Monday, May 3, 2010

The Author's Inn

Here's information about a relatively new site created to promote authors.  Great promotion for authors and a good source of new book information for book buyers (from their 'About Us' page).

About the Site

When I (the webmaster) wrote my first novel, the next hardest thing was getting information about it out to the world at a cost I could afford ( like FREE?). There were sites I could afford but which weren't responsive or well done, and sites which looked great and appeared to have wonderful response from the public but which I couldn't afford. Sound familiar?

I decided to create this site for the purpose of displaying the works of authors, enabling them to get their novels, articles and poetry out in front of the reading public at a cost anyone can afford, and to enable readers to see and make contact with the authors.

Every author who joins will have a full page to display their work, with their book graphic, article or poem, a description of the material and a picture and bio of themselves. You can have multiple pages for multiple books, poems, short stories, etc. Plus, your book covers will be constantly displayed in The Gallery of Books. These will be "static" pages that will always be there whenever anyone clicks into the site, not pictures that will rotate through once in a decade. Authors will be able to do some advertising within the site itself. And you will be able to include links on your pages that will take readers directly to your own websites where you can tell more and even sell your books.

This site is not intended to make money. The cost for an author to get their work displayed on a page really won't even cover the cost of managing the site, and that's okay. The site is for YOU, not for me (although I suppose I could put my books on it, too.) As the site grows, more things will be available such as blogs, articles, book reviews from the readers and so on. As you get ideas for things that would be good to have here, I would really appreciate a quick note.

The site was set up for serious writers and will be open to most genres that you might want to display. YOU will need to let me know what is needed. Here is a list of possible acceptable genres:

Action/Adventure/Mystery/Spies/Suspense/Thriller Art Works Autobiographies/Biographies Children/Teen/Young Adult Christian/Religious Family/Parenting Historical Fiction History/Documentaries Humor Inspirational Literary Fiction Memoirs Military Philosophy Poetry Political Science Science Science Fiction Short Stories Western Women's Fiction

Visit The Authors Inn for more information.

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