Friday, October 18, 2024

 #Bookreview of Tongue Teasers: Laugh Along Songbook Origins

By: Dr. D.W. Knight

Publisher: BD Brands, LLC/Giggle Spoon

Publication Date: July 24, 2024

ISBN: 978-1-953411-43-3

Reviewed by: Rebecca Jane Johnson

Review Date: October 18, 2024

Dr. D.W. Knight’s Tongue Teasers: Laugh-Along Songbook Origins charms and delights with hilarious rhymes for young readers and the young-at-heart. These light-hearted poems are accompanied by adorable black and white caricature drawings that are just as humorous and expressive as the poems themselves. This book, a winner of the Golden Wizard Book Prize, is published by Giggle Spoon, the creators of numerous rhyming books that are set to original music you can download for free with the book’s QR code. No matter what music or reading level, readers will feel compelled to sing these rhymes aloud, so they are perfect for teaching about meter and musical phrasing.

Some poems offer hilarious morals, for instance, warning us about what will happen if we lie down with giant speakers blaring music at the head and foot of the bed. Or, what happens if we try to live without ever sleeping? Or, what will Mom say if we rough house and bully too much so that all our teeth fall out, but one?

Other poems tell stories about pirates, strange beasts, and friendly roses, proving the poet can pull of these madcap expressions with remarkable wit and brevity. Of course, there are humorous poems about mucus and poo, topics that make young children roar with laughter. We meet lovable characters, such as Zoog the Wizzard, Latitude Jack, and Bubba Bogans, who stimulate the imagination. Young readers may even identify with Melissa Moraine of Halsberry Lane who has “the messiest room known to man.” Hyperbole makes these poems as memorable and surprising as they are endearing. One poem teaches how to juggle while another helps us cope with a “double moon dilemma.” The poem “Wee Beasties” reminds us of the importance of washing our hands. Readers familiar with Shel Silverstein, Mother Goose, and Raffi have these fresh rhymes to add to the classics.

Quill says: Tongue Teasers: Laugh-Along Songbook Origins incites deep belly laughter, and the satisfying rhymes lend themselves to repeat reading and reciting aloud.

For more information about Tongue Teasers: Laugh-Along Songbook Origins, please visit the publisher’s website at:

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 #Bookreview of A Star in the Endless Night

By: Jenna Page

Publication Date: October 11, 2024

ISBN: 979-8330399703

Reviewed by: Diana Coyle

Review Date: October 14, 2024

In A Star in the Endless Night by Jenna Page, Estelle has no family left after her mother passed away. Being only nineteen, she has no permanent place to live and can’t afford to feed and take care of herself. So, she has no choice but to seek room and board anywhere she can find it. An unpleasant older man hires her to work in his food shop in exchange for the room and board she needs. There are no pleasantries between them, just a sheer master and worker relationship.

While on an errand for her master, a gentleman takes notice of her and follows her back to the food shop. He inquires if Estelle can be bought from the shopkeeper. At a good price, her master sells her without hesitation. Estelle is in disbelief that this exchange just happened, but can’t do anything about it. Her new master, Dirk, takes her to his castle which will be her new home. Nightingale Manor is stunningly beautiful, but there is a huge void of warmth and life within the walls of the castle. As Dirk and Estelle get to exchange information about each other, she learns that Dirk is the remaining heir to the castle. He further explains that he is a wizard of sorts and he is intrigued by her because of her unique starlight aura she has. He tells her that she has magical powers and he would like to train her how to use them. Could this be the change in her life that she needs? Why would Dirk even want to train her to harness her magical abilities?

This was a truly enjoyable sci-fi/fantasy book. When Estelle is introduced into the story, readers will easily find themselves feeling compassion and warmth for her. You can’t help but want to take this naive nineteen-year-old under your wing to protect her from all the injustices of the world. When she is bought by Dirk, you can’t help but worry about her well-being because he’s a complete stranger that out of nowhere asks to buy her from her current master. What was his motive and what kind of benefits would be reap from this new arrangement?

When Estelle was told by Dirk, who was a wizard of sorts, that she possessed magical powers and an extremely unique aura existed around her, readers aren’t sure if they should believe Dirk or not. It seems like he has an agenda and will say anything to lure her in, no matter how extreme his conversations with Estelle might be. But when readers begin to discover there is some validity to her having magical, undeveloped powers, you can’t help but want to assist Estelle in harnessing her abilities in hopes of them protecting her from people out to hurt her in various ways.

As Dirk began to get acquainted with Estelle and he finally expressed the truth behind his interest in her, readers will find themselves having to make a decision on how truthful Dirk is being with Estelle. With some skepticism still hanging in the air, readers will likely be won over by Dirk’s genuineness toward Estelle.

Quill says: Readers of A Star in the Endless Night will experience a myriad of emotions as they turn the pages. The characters were well developed and the storyline was fully engaging. Well done, Ms. Page!

For more information on A Star in the Endless Night, please visit the author's website at:

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

 #AuthorInterview with Kathleen Welton

Today, Feathered Quill reviewer Diane Lunsford is talking with Kathleen Welton, author of The Little Book of Quotes by Women: Inspiring Words To Live By.

FQ: Thank you for your time today. I enjoyed reading the many inspirational quotes in your book. Before I get into the compilations, I’d like to ask a few questions about you. I enjoyed reading you have been a collector of both stamps and quotes. I won’t hold you to citing your favorite quote because I would imagine there are many to choose from.

However, I will ask of the stamps you’ve collected over the years, what is the most unique and ornate design? Why this one?

Author Kathleen Welton

WELTON: The Ruth Bader Ginsburg stamp was issued in October 2023. It is extremely life like and I am proud to own a sheet of these stamps. It was at this time that I thought about updating this book to include her quotes.

FQ: You have a wide range of expertise ‘…40 years of experience in content areas including business and finance, legal, lifestyle, reference and self-help…’ of the vast array of categories, what stands out as your most challenging topic to cover and why this one?

WELTON: I am grateful to have had a book publishing career and am appreciative of the many colleagues and authors that I have worked with and learned from over the years. I have always had excellent teams to navigate publishing projects. Letting go of the process and not being in charge was the hardest thing for me to do once I semi-retired and went on my own. Having a built-in team is easier than finding the other people to work with. Over the years, I have taken the time to build relationships with writers, designers, proofreaders, website creators, and more. Just like building a relationship with an author, I am learning that building a relationship with readers is equally important.

FQ: I was enamored with the information of you being an avid advocate of beaches, birds, and wildlife. Can you elaborate further?

WELTON: I grew up near the beaches of Southern California and have lived near parks and beaches in Chicago for 42 years. The beauty of a sunrise always starts my day off on the right track. I support organizations from the Chicago Bird Alliance and the Chicago Parks Foundation to SEE Turtles and the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. Giving back is a key component of everything that I do. I hope that my books and my contributions make a difference.

FQ: I’m a huge equestrian and had no idea one of the books in your ‘The Little Quote Books Series’ is The Little Book of Horse Quotes. I would enjoy hearing more about what fueled your inspiration (aside from the magnificent animal itself) to develop this subject matter.

WELTON: I support rescue horses and one organization that I work with wanted to create a project that raised funds for their efforts. So it was fun to work with them on the creation of The Little Book of Horse Quotes. 100% of the revenue supports their horse rescue initiatives.

FQ: I enjoyed every section in this book, but I was drawn to Lessons. In many respects, life is a journey of lessons. If you were asked to select the tantamount quote that encompasses the overarching inspiration of ‘lessons learned’ what would your choice be and why this one?

WELTON: “There are years that ask questions and years that answer.”

―Zora Neale Hurston

Asking the right questions is important. Listening to the answers—What is my purpose? How can I help others? What is the best way to move forward? takes time but as a friend of mine likes to say, “the answer will come.”

FQ: Did you run into any roadblocks when developing this book, i.e., how did you arrive at what stays, and what goes?

WELTON: This is the second edition of The Little Book of Quotes by Women which was first published in 2014. For this new edition, I wanted to include biographical information on all the 200 or so women who have appeared on U.S. postage stamps over the past 130+ years. In so doing, I included quotes from more women than the first edition and as such deleted some quotes to be more inclusive and represent more women. I decided to expand and change about 30% of the first edition and am pleased with how the book turned out.

FQ: In line with my previous question, your credentials portray you are an editor (among many talents). Was the editorial process a collaborative endeavor (i.e., did you have an editor for your final ‘checks and balances’)?

WELTON: I work with an amazing design team at Zaccarine Design on the publication of all my books. Besides the interior and cover designs, Cathy Zaccarine researched and located photos to include in the book. Bob Yates proofread everything and helped with general editing of the text and quotes. They always do great work.

FQ: While I understand this book is about famous quotes by famous women, who are some men you would shine a light on for their profound quote(s)?

WELTON: My book The Little Book of Gratitude Quotes includes famous quotes from men as well as women. This is one of my many favorites:

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” ― Marcel Proust

FQ: It was a pleasure to talk with you today. I have to ask if you are working on the next treasure to add to your chest of ‘The Little Book of…’ Are you able to share? If not now, when?

WELTON: Going forward, I am working to focus my efforts on being a writer and supporting literacy projects. In addition to writing picture books, I am also launching an imprint Green Lights Books for my eco-fiction novels and a mystery trilogy. My first book The Star Thrower is in process for publication in 2025. As a publisher, I am excited to be launching a series of Puzzle Books for Fun for kids in spring 2025 which will feature crisscross puzzles and word fun puzzles---all from a well-known syndicated puzzler. Stay tuned.


Kathleen Welton is an award-winning publisher and writer. As publisher for aka Associates, she collaborates with authors and organizations on award-winning and best-selling series including Doodle Art Alley Books, Little Quote Books, and Puzzle Books for Fun. She shares inspiration and fun adventures where dreams take flight in her picture book series including Little Owl, Myrtle the Turtle, and Peg the Pig. She creates compelling stories that explore the intersection of personal growth and collective change in an eco-fiction novel and an ocean mystery trilogy, forthcoming from Green Lights.

Kathleen champions the beauty of beaches, birds, and wildlife while promoting a sustainable future through her work. She supports organizations from the Chicago Bird Alliance and the Chicago Parks Foundation to Lincoln Park Zoo and the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. Fueled by a lifelong love of learning, Kathleen holds a BA in English and Italian Literature from Stanford University. She earned a Certificate in Feature Film Writing from UCLA Extension. When she is not writing, Kathleen enjoys getting lost in a good book and exploring the shores of Lake Michigan.

Monday, October 7, 2024

 #AuthorInterview with Katie Myers

Today, Feathered Quill reviewer Lily Andrews is talking with Katie Myers, author of Being Seen: My Journey to Self-Love.

FQ: First off, congratulations on your new book! Some memoir authors mention the need to examine their past lives with a more mature perspective as the inspiration behind their writing. Was it the same for you or is there something else that inspired you to write this moving book?

MYERS: Thank you! I was going through failed infertility treatments and this was one way I could birth something. It started as a journal entry that I just kept coming back to. About 6 months into writing it, I realized I wanted it to be a book for others to read.

FQ: So many aspiring memoir authors fall short with their memoir titles, which are sometimes too long to recall, or use dull colors to create their book covers. Not so in your work. The title of your book is catchy and the book cover has an aesthetic appeal. Tell us about the process of coming up with the two.

Author Katie Myers
MYERS: I had an incredible team who helped create the title and book cover. Joyce Beverly, editor extraordinaire, Karen Adams, talented artist, and Victoria Wolf, digital creator mastermind, all came together to birth what you see on the cover today. We went through several iterations before we landed on what felt right.

FQ: You have been unflinchingly honest in your writing. How did you balance this with the need to protect your privacy and others in your story?

MYERS: This was tricky, of course. However, it was important to me to not burn bridges or damage character while still maintaining integrity over my experience. Many parts were edited with great care so that both could hold space simultaneously. My privacy was much less of a concern than my family's.

FQ: Are there some parts in your memoir that you found to be rewarding and others challenging? If yes, mention some of these parts to us.

MYERS: I found the entire thing to be both rewarding and challenging all at the same time, lol. It was rewarding to put my professional experience and my mental breakdown into words when, for so long I've felt it, but couldn't always express it. It was also liberating to be as candid as possible talking about my mental health journey. I've gone back and forth with great pride in overcoming so much, and also shame because there is still stigma in our society.

The most challenging parts were about my family. I truly believe that they did the best they could with what they had, AND they missed the mark in some pretty severe ways. And we've all changed over the years (some more than others) and so I didn't want the past to damage the current and future. I had to trust that my truth would bring more healing than harm.

FQ: There are valuable lessons sprinkled across your memoir. What is the main lesson that you would want your audience to take away from your story?

MYERS: There are several, but the two that stand out right now are that we are meant to journey together and if I can overcome, so can you. We are hard-wired for relationships, but our past and current struggles can lead us to isolate. Shame leads us to isolate. Fear leads us to isolate. Isolation will kill us. We are meant to share the burden and journey with others.

FQ: Is there a part of your book you wished to have expanded more? If yes, which one?

MYERS: Yes and no. Yes, because I had much more to say about my family. No, because I believe the right parts made it into the final copy.

FQ: Writing is an art, as you have so ably demonstrated, and also a cathartic experience for the writer. Upon finishing your memoir, what was it like for you?

MYERS: Upon finishing the last of the edits, I felt a cornucopia of emotions. There was elation that I (we--my editor was incredible) had created something I was so proud of. Impatience to get it live and accessible to the world. Disbelief that it was really complete. Relief that it was done, and a huge sense of accomplishment. I also felt a little nervous and vulnerable that my baby was about to go live and I would likely receive feedback and critiques of my baby. No one wants to be told that their baby is ugly, but the reality is that not everyone would connect with my story...and I had to become ok with that.

Upon publishing, it was a little anticlimactic, honestly, lol. I wasn't sure what to expect, but after we hit "publish" and the initial frenzy of support from loved ones died down, there was this space that I wasn't quite sure what to fill it with. Everything had been so focused on completing the book and getting it live that once that was done, I was kinda like, "now what?"

FQ: I admired your remarkable balance between the pain you have gone through in life and offering hope to readers. I especially enjoyed reading your thoughts and perspectives about life despite the many setbacks you have faced in the past. What drives you to continue charging forward?

MYERS: Thank you! I'm so grateful that I can say that there is so much that drives me. Historically it has been a deep belief that I was created for something big. My spirituality has carried me when I thought I could go no more. Today it is my son and my husband. My little family is a so many ways. But it is always my faith in something much bigger than me that propels me in dark times.

FQ: Are you working on something else at present that you would like to share with your readers?

MYERS: Yes! My family was actually going through something extremely challenging at the time of publishing "Being Seen." I am currently writing about that time period and how we have grown and come out the other side a little bruised, but not broken. Hmmm...that could be a working title! Current working title is "Grenades and Grace." Stay tuned!!

FQ: Writing about family as you have done in your memoir can sometimes leave authors feeling susceptible to public opinion. How have you navigated around this?

MYERS: I felt very naked and vulnerable once the book was live. I looked at the reviews and ratings multiple times a day. And it has been mostly positive, thankfully! But I am prepared for the reader who does not love what and how I've shared such personal things. I wrote my book for a certain kind of reader. If someone doesn't connect with or appreciate it, then they are not my target audience.

FQ: Your book is receiving a warm reception from readers with others giving positive feedback. Has there been a particular response or comment from your audience that has stood out for you?

MYERS: Omg, the feedback has been overwhelmingly beautiful and humbling. I'm so grateful that I can't pick out just one comment, because there are so many that warm my heart. Anytime someone says that they felt seen is my favorite. So many of us feel unseen or we hide in hopes to not be truly seen. Being seen is the best 🙂

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 #AuthorInterview with Janice Rostron

Today, Feathered Quill reviewer Katie Specht is talking with Janice Rostron, author of Time Is Power: Create Space for What Matters Most.

FQ: Tell our readers a little about yourself. Your background, your interests, and how this led to writing a book?

ROSTRON: I am a Professional Organizer and the owner/operator of Just Focus and Reorganize, LLC (JFR). I have been organizing the spaces around me for as far back as I can remember—just ask my family, friends, former roommates, and colleagues!

My experience and wide range of interests have given me the ability to create and maintain a balanced lifestyle. I believe that simplicity is the key to success.

I started playing guitar as a shy, introverted 12-year-old. In my late twenties, I tackled my stage fright and joined a band. I have played shows throughout California and has recorded two full-length albums and one EP (during which time I earned the moniker “Janice F'n Reid” a.k.a. “JFR”).

I received a BA in Legal Studies (with a minor in Music) from UC Berkeley and have since joined the Cal Alumni Association. GO BEARS! I then earned an MEd and a Multiple Subject teaching credential from UCLA. I worked as a public elementary school teacher for eight years before deciding to pursue a career in Professional Organizing.

I am an active member of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO). I have earned NAPO Specialist Certificates in Workplace Productivity and Team Productivity. I served as the Los Angeles chapter’s Treasurer for the 2016–2017 term. I was the leader of NAPO’s Environmentally-Conscious Organizers special interest group for the 2020–2023 terms.

I am also a subscriber to the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD) and have earned a Level II Chronic Disorganization Specialist Certificate.

I love working one-on-one with my clients and enjoy speaking to groups about organization and productivity.

In 2022, I moved to Denver to grow the business … and purchase my first home. I took advantage of my new-found time during this transitional period to write the productivity book that I had been thinking of for a few years.

Author Janice Rostron

FQ: Tell us a little about your book – a brief synopsis and what makes your book unique.

ROSTRON: I created Time Is Power to help you take back the power you have over your time so you can spend it on what matters most. I combat the idea that productivity is about getting as much done as possible in the shortest amount of time. Instead, I define productivity as getting the right things done, at the right time, with the right amount of energy.

Time Is Power is designed to make obligation and information overload more manageable. It is a step-by-step journey to a more productive life by showing you how to prioritize what’s important, simplify your systems, and delegate what you can.

This book is unique because it is designed to be practical and actionable. It was inspired not only by my 10 years as a Professional Organizer, but also my own journey from burned out teacher to balanced and thriving business owner.

FQ: Why did you decide to write this book? Did you see a need?

ROSTRON: This book started out as my pandemic project. I am a Professional Organizer and I work primarily in-person in my clients' homes. Once the pandemic hit in 2020, and it was no longer safe to work in-person, my business ground to a halt. I decided to create an online productivity course to supplement my income. This was something that had been in the back of my mind for a few years, but I suddenly had the time to bring it to life. My clients are often overwhelmed by information and obligation overload and I knew this information would be helpful to them.

After teaching two rounds of the online course, I was able to resume my in-person services and had to put the course content on the back burner. Then, in 2022, I moved from Los Angeles to Denver to expand my business and purchase my first home. I took advantage of the new-found time during this transition period and turned the 10 modules of the online course into a 10-chapter book.

FQ: Have you done any presentations in your field at conferences, etc.?

ROSTRON: I do a few presentations every year in my field. I have spoken to alumni associations, business networking groups, and moms' groups. I enjoy combining my passion for education and my love of organizing and productivity consulting into these presentations.

FQ: Did you have “Beta Readers” review your manuscript and if so, what sort of feedback did you receive? Was it nerve-wracking waiting for their responses?

ROSTRON: I had "Beta Readers" review my manuscript and I received such great feedback that I knew I was on the right track. I specifically chose readers that would be my target demographic (small business owners and mothers with too much on their plates). It was nerve-wracking waiting for their responses, but once I got their positive responses to the topics covered and some useful constructive criticism, I had the confidence to pursue the publishing process in earnest.

Fore more information on Time Is Power: Create Space for What Matters Most, please visit the author's website at:

 #Bookreview of Major Jake Fortina and the Tier One Threat

By: Ralph R. "Rick" Steinke

Publisher: Koehler Books

Publication Date: July 26, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-64663-733-1

Reviewed by: Kathy Stickles

Review Date: October 2, 2024

Major Jake Fortina and the Tier One Threat is an excellent first novel in this series that I would highly recommend to fans of thriller and espionage novels. With a very well-woven storyline and a fabulous protagonist in the form of US Army Major Jake Fortina, this is a novel that will keep you engaged, eagerly anticipating what will happen next from the first page to the last.

Major Jake Fortina and the Tier One Threat begins on an exciting note as two terrorists break into the graves of two Jewish-Americans that are buried in a small cemetery outside of Paris. Why are they doing such a thing and what have they taken become the first unknowns in a long line of questions as the story moves on (and that is all in the first few pages). Major Fortina, who works with the military and is stationed in Paris, is called upon to join forces with the FBI and law enforcement in France and Italy as the terrorists’ plan is brought to the forefront. We then learn that the terrorists are planning to release a terrifying and new biological virus that will not only be worse than the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918, but will also target Americans and Jews in the hopes of eradicating them completely from the world.

This story is the international thriller that many fans have been waiting to read. It ranks right up there with the amazing novels that Tom Clancy gave us. The plot of the story is very well-written and thought-out. This author has used his excellent writing ability as well as his real-life background to put together a story that is interesting, factual, suspenseful, and grabs you from the very beginning. All of the characters are well-developed and become people that you will care about and want to see succeed. It was very interesting to see how all of the different countries and agencies worked together to protect the world and the author’s background and research put us right in the middle of the action in a fascinating manner.

One of the best things about this story was the numerous flashbacks included which helped the reader follow the life of the main character, allowing us to see what he has already survived and witness how he ended up in his current state of life. Jake is very strong, very brave, and very smart. He is a protagonist that will appeal to many and it was so interesting to watch the development of his character through these flashbacks as the story progressed. Through this character, as well as others, the reader is given a very real and honest glimpse into what happens when those who are fully trained are immersed into a world of espionage where it is their goal to protect the world around them.

Major Jake Fortina and the Tier One Threat is a riveting and suspenseful story that I would definitely recommend to others. There is something in these pages for everyone: action, mystery, suspense, emotion, twists and turns you will never anticipate, and even some romance and it is all combined perfectly. I know that I will be running to read the subsequent stories in this series, because I honestly cannot wait to see what Jake and the others get up to next. I am sure, after you read this story, you will feel the exact same way.

Quill says: Major Jake Fortina and the Tier One Threat gives fans of the thriller novel a new author and character to watch. I personally see a lot of adventures in Jake’s future and that is definitely something to look forward. The only thing that could make these adventures better would be seeing them on the big screen. Jake may just be everyone’s new Jack Ryan.

For more information about Major Jake Fortina and the Tier One Threat, please visit the author's website at:

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

 #Bookreview of Oliver the Oyster Saves Santa

By: J.B. Auchter

Illustrated by: Ayan Mansoori

Publication Date: September 13, 2024

ISBN: 979-8336717792

Reviewed by: Diana Coyle

Review Date: October 1, 2024

In Oliver the Oyster Saves Santa by J.B. Auchter, Oliver the Oyster and his friends, Cathy the Crab, and Miriah the Mermaid are all excited because it’s Christmas Eve and Santa is on his way to deliver presents to everyone.

While having a sleepover together, they think they hear a loud noise outside. They decide to go see where it came from. They begin searching around to find the loud noise and in the process they overhear people talking nearby. They decide to hide behind some tall seagrass in hopes of catching a glimpse of who is making all this loud noise so late at night. When they hear and see who it is, they can’t believe their ears and eyes. Santa is stranded with his elves because they sustained damage to their sleigh while trying to come into Mayo Beach to deliver presents.

Unfortunately, there’s so much damage to his sleigh, they don’t know if the repairs will get done in time. So they all come up with a plan to get Santa back into his sleigh, in the quickest amount of time possible, while also delivering the Christmas presents to the people in Mayo Beach. But in order for them to achieve this goal, Oliver, Cathy, and Miriah must help Santa get the presents to everyone while he helps his elves fix the sleigh. What plan do Oliver, Cathy, and Miriah come up with to help Santa deliver his presents locally? Will the Christmas presents be delivered in time to save Christmas?

Readers of all ages will surely enjoy this next installment in the “Oliver the Oyster” series. We find Oliver, Cathy, and Miriah eagerly wanting to help Santa and his elves out, but they realize they don’t have Santa’s magical powers to get in and out of everyone’s house with grace and ease. So the three of them must come up with a creative plan to get the presents under the Christmas trees quickly and efficiently. As Oliver, Cathy, and Miriah develop a plan of action, even though it wasn’t going to be easy, children will learn that if you put your mind to something, no matter how complicated it might be, good things can come out of creativity, hard work, and working together as a team.

The illustrations provided by Ayan Mansoori were found scattered throughout this magical tale and were the perfect accompaniment to the written story. Each one was vibrantly colored, luring the readers deeper into the story as they eagerly turned the pages to see what the next delightful illustration would be. Each illustration allowed readers to feel as if they were another character in the story watching everything unfold before their eyes.

J.B. Auchter has this ongoing children’s series “Oliver the Oyster” set in the beautiful Cape Cod area. In each of his books, he cleverly intertwines seaside facts into his adventures to entertain, educate, and inspire his young readers. With his rich-in-detail writing style, readers will feel they are right there in Cape Cod as they go on the next adventure with Oliver the Oyster, Cathy the Crab, and Miriah the Mermaid. One notable fact worth mentioning is Auchter uses the proceeds from his book sales to support local charities, allowing him to give back to the community which has inspired his stories.

Quill says: Oliver the Oyster Saves Santa by J.B. Auchter is one book you shouldn’t miss. It is one in which will entertain and delight readers, both young and old. Plus, readers will relish the rich details describing the Cape Cod area as they turn each of the pages.

For more information on Oliver the Oyster Saves Santa, please visit the author’s website at:

 #Bookreview of Being Seen: My Journey To Self-Love

By: Katie Myers

Publisher: Love Who You Are Media

Publication Date: April 9, 2024

ISBN: 979-8990257917

Reviewed by: Lily Andrews

Review Date: October 1, 2024

Katie Myers candidly and openly recounts her life story in Being Seen: My Journey to Self-Love, helping families talk about their pains and fears while navigating her long-held secret, mental health concerns, addiction, and difficult-to-obtain acceptance.

Unbeknownst to everyone else, a depressed Myers left her home state of Indiana and headed to Canada, unsure of what to anticipate. All she wanted was a quick escape without understanding exactly what she was looking for. Her inability to fit in with other kids during her childhood had caused her to become increasingly reclusive. Her parents split when she was nine years old, leaving her father to raise her, despite his proclivity for dating other women. She became reliant on food during this difficult survival period, which led to a discernible gain in weight. Her only alternatives were to starve herself and over-exercise, followed by taking pills that would enhance her metabolism and make her feel less hungry, allowing her to lose weight even faster. At that moment, as she states in the book, she had no idea who she was or what her worth was. Nobody had ever told her.

Myers eventually got married and completed her master's degree while assiduously trying to hide her big, horrible secret from the outside world. The ultimate blow to her hope was the realization that she might never get pregnant. Just thinking about what other people might think of her was a continual source of worry for her.

In this book, she candidly discusses her struggles with depression, alcoholism, and suicide ideas. Given that she had lived a life driven by fear since a young age, it is unclear how long she would continue to help others stay afloat while herself was sinking. Deeper reading reveals how overthinking problems and overcomplicating situations lead to repeated cycles of depression and anxiety. Her story also reveals how solutions can just be within a person and not out there or with someone else.

Being Seen: My Journey to Self-Love seeks to encourage readers who may have similar hardships to shed their masks, be true to themselves, and stop trying to be someone they are not. It also significantly promotes healthy family-raising practices, including giving children ample time. While providing guidelines on how to steer clear of the many falsehoods that naturally follow people, the author's path is both compelling and inspirational. Other issues her story touches on are guilt, self-criticism, feeling like a failure, and how being out of step with your purpose manifests physically.

Quill says: It is important to discover who you are in the middle of the confusion that your mind and desire may generate. Anyone who wants to realize their goals, stop living up to the expectations of others, or begin believing in themselves should read this memoir. It is enlightening, realistic, and strikes all the right notes as a helpful manual for mental well-being, stability, and self-realization.

To learn more about Being Seen: My Journey To Self-Love, please visit the author’s website at:

 #Bookreview of Ben and Blue: Searching for Lucky #3002

By: Ellen Melissa Cohen

Illustrated by: Donald Wu

Publisher: Red Chair Press Books for Young Readers

Publication Date: October 1, 2024

ISBN: 978-1643713731

Reviewed by: Kathy Stickles

Review Date: February 12, 2024

Ben and Blue: Searching for Lucky #3002 is, in this reviewer’s opinion, a fabulous story for younger children that covers the very grown-up topic of donor-conceived birth in a great way...through the eyes of a 10-year-old. Plus, as a great bonus, readers also get another fun mystery in this book with the addition of a dog-napper who is trying to hurt others and make tons of money at the same time.

Ben and Blue is the story of Benjamin Zither and his new dog, a basset hound named Blue. Ben has a great life…a wonderful mom and grandparents, a great best friend named Cooper, and now a wonderful new dog who they saved from the shelter. This seems like it should be perfect, right? It is until his teacher gives the class a new assignment. The project is called “My Family,” and everyone in the class is expected to do a report on all members of their family and how they are special. Unfortunately for Ben, this is a project that he really wants no part of because, unlike his classmates, Ben has no dad. To Ben, that just means that he is different from everyone else, and he is not eager to stand up in front of the class and their families and tell people that. So what does a 10-year-old do in this case...he makes it into a big mystery and decides it is time to find out about his father. As Ben, Cooper, and Blue start investigating, they turn up more than they expected when secrets start to come out. Ben is about to face a lot of very surprising answers to his questions.

In addition, it turns out that Blue is being stalked by someone, and no one knows why. His previous owner, an old woman who had to give him up, starts showing up a lot when Ben is with Blue, and the dog’s reaction is not what Ben really expected to see. Then Blue disappears, and Ben and Cooper find that they have yet another mystery on their hands besides the identity of Ben’s dad. Will Ben find Blue? Will he ever find out who his father is? Will Ben’s mom ever tell him the truth about whatever happened in the past? All of these questions will be answered, but you are going to have to read the book for those answers.

Ben and Blue is a wonderful story that is full of family, secrets, and plenty of surprises along the way. It is wonderfully written and full of mystery and fun. You will laugh out loud at some of the antics these kids and dog get up to as they try to unravel the clues they find. The characters are well-developed and very likable and will seem real to the reader. In addition, the author takes a very private and mature situation and explains it with humor and sensitivity to a young audience, which makes this book a real treat. It is so true...families today are sometimes very different, but that does not make any of them wrong.

Quill says: Ben and Blue: Searching for Lucky #3002 is a wonderful and creative way of presenting information to a child on a topic which is one they would not normally understand. Combining the very adult topic of donor-conceived birth with a fun mystery for youngsters (actually two of them) and a great character like Blue was a stroke of genius on the part of this author.

For more information on Ben and Blue: Searching for Lucky #3002, please visit the author's

 #Bookreview of The Bronze Door

By: Karin Ciholas

Publisher: Atmosphere Press

Publication Date: August 6, 2024

ISBN: 979-8891323391

Reviewed by: Kathy Stickles

Review Date: September 30, 2024

About two years ago I reviewed The Lighthouse, which was book one in The Cyrenian Trilogy, and it was one of the most riveting, well-written novels that I have had the privilege to read. Since then, I have been waiting very anxiously for the second book in the series and finally, it is here. I sat down and read the story in one day and I can honestly say that Karin Ciholas has outdone herself with this second book in the series, The Bronze Door. These books are historical fiction at its absolute best and should not be missed by any fan of the genre.

In The Bronze Door, all of our favorite characters are back. Simon is, as always, fighting for the Jews against the Roman Empire but with a new twist as his wife, Aurelia, and his children begin to drift toward Christianity. This new religion is just beginning and so many are fascinated by it, although Simon sees it as a danger to his family. Caligula, the new Emperor of Rome, is still trying to get revenge on Simon and his family for defying him in the previous book and decides to make Aurelia’s brother Valerius the governor of Syria. After he appoints him, Caligula sends Valerius and his troops to Jerusalem where he wants a statue of himself put into the temple as he feels he should be the God that everyone worships. If Valerius does as he is being ordered to do the result would be the death of thousands of Jewish people who refuse to follow Caligula and do not want their temple destroyed by his image. If Valerius refuses the emperor’s order then it will mean the death of him and his entire family. While not a member of the Jewish faith and therefore not a person who can really understand it, Valerius does know that following Caligula’s orders will bring about huge devastation and death, which is what he wants to avoid at all costs in order to save the lives of thousands, as well as those that he loves the most.

The Bronze Door is a story of faith and bravery and, above all else, love, which is set in a time period in history that was full of many cruel people and horrifying beliefs. Every character in this story, whether a fictional or a real one, is written with such depth and every one of them is someone you believe in and really care about. The characters are each struggling with so many different things at one time, such as their personal religious beliefs and a wicked and insane leader, and their choices really do come down to what matters the most: the life of one or the lives of many.

Karin Ciholas is a fabulous writer. This series is so well-researched and the time period and locations just leap out from the pages of the novel. There is so much history included in the story and it is explained flawlessly and in an interesting and attention-grabbing manner that will keep you on the edge of your seat as you read. While you could certainly read The Bronze Door on its own, I think you would be doing yourself and the author a large injustice to not read the stories in order. To follow the story from the beginning just makes it even better, if that is even possible.

I really do not have the words to do justice to The Bronze Door or to Karin Ciholas’ extraordinary writing. I highly recommend this book and this series to any historical fiction fan out there. To say I am excited about the next book in the series would be a huge understatement. This is a definitely a must-read. Do not miss it!

Quill says: Historical fiction can be a genre that is often over-the-top in terms of the fiction aspect as well as the combination of the history and fiction. With The Bronze Door, Karin Ciholas has proved that she is a master of the genre, combining the facts with the fiction in a seamless and mesmerizing way that will thrill any reader.

For more information on The Bronze Door, please visit the author's website at:

  #Bookreview of Gathering Mist

By: Margaret Mizushima

Publisher: Crooked Lane Books

Publication Date: October 8, 2024

ISBN: 978-1639108947

Reviewed by: Lily Andrews

Review Date: September 30, 2024

Margaret Mizushima delivers another stunning page-turner in Gathering Mist, the eagerly awaited ninth installment of her A Timber Creek K-9 mystery series. Set in the dense, verdant forests of the Pacific Northwest, the book delves into a search and rescue operation that conceals intricate mysteries and intricate puzzles that may go unnoticed by the untrained eye.

On a quest to find a missing nine-year-old child, Deputy Mattie Wray and her partner Robo—a German shepherd who weighs almost a hundred pounds—are dispatched to Washington. According to her department's head, Sheriff McCoy, it would be beneficial for the department to help in another jurisdiction, and the two may even get praise for their outstanding teamwork there. Because she feels it is her responsibility to intervene when a child's life is in danger, Mattie decides to go without first consulting with Cole, her fiancé, whom she is expecting to marry in a week. If Cole does not understand her decision, she feels like their relationship might not be meant to be.

Mattie discovers that the missing child has a history of venturing into the woods, a place rife with dangerous terrain and wild animals. In the same location, two more children have been reported missing. As she joins search teams whose efforts have produced no results, battling the heavy rains in the woods is a crucial concern. However, it does not take long for Robo to find an M&M wrapper, raising the prospect of a lure and kidnapping situation. Nevertheless, considering that the mother of the missing child is a well-known celebrity and has previously received death threats for playing a character who tortured and killed her husband and child in a film, it is uncertain if she may be the target of an aggressor.

This gripping mystery preys on the reader's deepest fears as indications and signs of a terrible conspiracy are revealed. Here, strange findings made throughout the operation—like the discovery of tombs holding decaying corpses—confound both the search crew and the protagonists. Things change, however, when the matter becomes a criminal investigation, enhancing the prospect that the two protagonists will be sent home.

Creating compelling, intricate storylines that she always skillfully weaves together at the end is one of Margaret Mizushima's strengths. Gathering Mist is no exception. She sets the tone for the narrative admirably by introducing readers to the heroes' brilliance early on. Reading this series' volumes and interacting with her very likable array of characters is always a breeze. She constantly creates a stunning, vividly imagined environment to fascinate a wide spectrum of readers of all ages, even though the series' concept appears more appropriate for younger audiences.

Quill says: As soon as you flip the first page of Gathering Mist, you will fall head over heels for this engrossing, fast-paced, interesting, and action-packed mystery even if you are not a fan of search-and-rescue dog tales. It is a dramatic and passionate narrative that will enthrall you with its heart-pounding buildup.

For more information on Gathering Mist, please visit the author’s website at: or the publisher's website at

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

 #Bookreview of Bones of Dead Man's Bluff

By: Robb Grindstaff

Publisher: Evolved Publishing

Publication Date: August 28, 2024

ISBN: 979-8890251107

Reviewed by: Ephantus Muriuki

Review Date: September 25, 2024

Robb Grindstaff packs a punch with his latest attention-grabbing thriller, Bones of Dead Man's Bluff, as he explores morality's gray areas through his dynamic and believable cast.

Worth Sullivan, a prominent cleric based in Missouri, was dubbed the Millennial version of Billy Graham, with the Washington Post referring to him as the "American Pastor." He had had a decades-long friendship with Kirk Madison, a Senator, and a retired four-star general. Kirk, after barely two years of holding the Senate office, was vying for the presidency, a dangerous endeavor that Worth felt was likely to unearth an incriminating secret that they had kept hidden and that would likely damage his reputation as a reverend, given the intense scrutiny of a presidential campaign.

Years earlier, the two had witnessed the death of a girl during a camping trip and had both agreed never to talk about it. Kirk seemed to have moved on from this incident, but Worth had been having nightmares for years and was consequently plagued by mental anguish. Secrets have a way of resurfacing, after lurking impassively and in silence in the dark, inflicting a blow that threatens to bring down every brick one has laid in life. As the political temperatures continue to rise and reverberate through social issues in America, Worth turns to prayers as his way out of the turmoil he is experiencing, while hoping to convince his friend to abandon his ambition as Kirk struggles to redeem himself from a past that comes knocking.

A page-turner, Bones of Dean Man's Bluff hits the right chords of a high-stakes suspense thriller. Hinged on intricate plot twists and great suspense that is interlaced with hope and anxiety, the story takes on dual timelines, allowing readers into the intricate details of the characters. Just when you think you have it figured out, you realize you don't. Grindstaff confronts the nature of the human mind, both the unconscious and sub-conscious mind, often pitting the self against the self. In doing so, he masterfully blurs the line between fiction and reality while delving into the complex and universal themes of guilt, power struggles, and religion. At the core of this story are two main characters whose emotional and psychological transformations will keep readers hooked until the last page.

The author does a great job with his descriptions of Worth's nightmares, which are unsettling and baleful, reflecting on the unstable emotions that he experiences and adding to the plot's layers of complexity. He writes with precision and candor, crafting convincing dialogue across the pages, as the threads of the story are skillfully unwoven, culminating in a satisfying conclusion.

Quill says: Literary enthusiasts who enjoy narratives that dig into the human psyche will find themselves a keeper in Robb Grindstaff's latest offering, Bones of Dead Man's Bluff.

For more information on Bones of Dead Man's Bluff, please visit the author’s website at:

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

 #Bookreview of Kyd's Game

By: Marc Rosenberg

Publisher: Vine Leaves Press

Publication Date: September 2024

ISBN: 978-3988320834

Reviewed by: Katie Specht

Review Date: March 20, 2024

From debut author Marc Rosenberg comes Kyd’s Game, the story of Neil Kyd, a former CIA operative, who has been accused of assassinating a Russian presidential candidate.

Kyd (as he is referred to in the story) left his job at the CIA when his daughter, Molly, was diagnosed with a fatal nervous system disorder, and moved to a farm in Kansas so he could focus on taking care of her. One day, Kyd is working on his farm trying to fix a stubborn tractor when an old colleague of his, Paul Wexler, surprises him with a visit. During this visit, Paul offers Kyd an unexpected proposition: Kyd retrieves a memory card containing incriminating evidence of the Russian President attacking Syria and in exchange, the Agency will ensure that Molly is accepted into a cutting-edge medical trial to treat her disease, with all associated costs covered. While Kyd is not thrilled about the idea of leaving his daughter, he is drawn to the possibility of finding a cure for Molly, so he agrees to carry out the mission.

Once Kyd arrives in Russia to complete his mission, he meets up with his ex-girlfriend, Irina, who recommends him for the job. She takes him to meet up with her brother, Nicoli, who is a Russian presidential candidate, and who Kyd is told is in possession of the memory card that he is to retrieve. When Kyd arrives, however, Nicoli is shot by an assassin named Zarefsky in Kyd’s presence, and he quickly figures out that he is being set up for Nicoli’s murder. Kyd is barely able to escape and now finds himself on the run. Meanwhile, Irina sees a report on the news that her brother has been assassinated by an American spy, and she faints while feeling the sting of betrayal.

As Kyd works to clear his name, he encounters many more players in the murder set-up and he discovers it goes much deeper than he could have imagined. The plot development in the second half of the story is second to none, which makes for a very compelling read. The conclusion of the story is quite a shock, so much so that I was expecting there to be more to the story. With the way Rosenberg left it, there definitely could be more that could be explored in Kyd’s story.

Rosenberg has crafted a thrilling crime story with Kyd’s Game. The pace of the plot moves along well and the action doesn’t stop throughout the story. Readers will quickly form a bond with the main character of Kyd as they witness him try to clear his name and get back home to what matters to him the most, his daughter.

Quill says: With Kyd’s Game, Rosenberg has created a story that is riveting, page-turning, and will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the shocking conclusion.

Monday, September 23, 2024

 #Bookreview of Don't Settle, Choose To Feel Good: 20 Keys To Achieve It

By: Pablo Tricci

Publication Date: August 7, 2024

ISBN: 979-8334414259

Reviewed by: Diana Coyle

Review Date: September 23, 2024

In Don’t Settle, Choose To Feel Good: 20 Keys To Achieve It by Pablo Tricci, he explains to his readers that the average life expectancy in the world is 72 years. Imagine though at the end of your life, instead of looking back on your life full of personal achievements and self-respect, you have many regrets because you didn’t invest in yourself with self-love and care. Or that you didn’t achieve enough personal goals you had hoped to in your lifetime? Our decisions made today are all hinged on things that happened to us in the past. If you had the knowledge and resources presented to you, wouldn’t you want to make positive changes in your life now before it’s too late and you’re filled with regrets?

Tricci has presented his readers with a book of knowledge in which he offers suggestions everyone can adopt presently in their lives that will pay ten-fold in having a life filled with love, self-care and respect for yourself. He has given his readers 20 keys to success in helping them achieve personal goals in which they will feel fulfilled and will allow them to have no regrets when their ending time on earth is near.

From the first page, this book pulls the readers in and holds their attention until the very last page. What reader wouldn’t want to take a little time out of every day, no matter how busy you might be, to offer yourself some self-love and care? Tricci mentions that if you truly want to love yourself, you’ll find even just a few minutes a day to care for yourself. Small daily tasks will help you reap endless positive rewards later on.

The author has presented 20 keys to his readers which offer food for thought on each topic discussed. Such topics of discussion that really stand out are: 1) Optimism; 2) Taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions; 3) Gratitude; and 4) The power of writing.

The first key is optimism, which is a person’s perception of how they live a certain moment and whether they either see things in an optimistic or a pessimistic way. When you feel good, you radiate positive energy which in turn, helps you to see the optimistic side of things.

Another key offered is that each one of us should take responsibility for our thoughts and actions. In taking responsibility for what we think about and how we think about it, we are taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions. It is up to you to think about a specific thought and decide to totally discard it because it will only waste your time and won’t help you to move forward in achieving your goals no matter how small or big they might be.

Still another key offered is one of gratitude. The more grateful we are, the more good that will come our way. We should be grateful daily for all that is around us. One thing we should be grateful for first is that we were given our senses to enjoy all that surrounds us.

One last key to mention is the power of writing. When we write down our life purpose, it helps us discover what we really want, helps motivate us to achieve it, and allows us to decide the plan of action of how we should get there. Writing also helps us keep special memories alive so we can cherish them over and over again.

Quill says: Don’t Settle, Choose To Feel Good: 20 Keys To Achieve It by Pablo Tricci is one book that has something for everyone to take away and apply to their own life. It’s a feel-good motivational book that comes highly recommended!

To learn more about Don't Settle, Choose To Feel Good: 20 Keys To Achieve It, please visit the author’s website at:

Thursday, September 19, 2024

 #Bookreview of Synthetica: The Dystopian Future of Digital Existence

By: Sophia M.

Publication Date: July 26, 2024

ISBN: 979-8333631138

Reviewed by: Kathy Stickles

Review Date: September 19, 2024

Synthetica: The Dystopian Future of Digital Existence is an interesting and, at times, frightening look into the future. The story is excellent and quite disturbing due to the fact that it could be completely possible. This author shows readers a world where life is becoming totally dependent on and influenced by technology rather than a human’s own thoughts and actions. Believe me when I say that this book “packs a lot of punch” into a limited number of pages.

Synthetica is set in 2065 and it is a world where artificial intelligence is in charge of every bit of one’s life. What it is promising is a life of complete peace as each person accepts a brain-computer interface (BCI) into their head which then proceeds to control the person’s actions. When one of the characters, a journalist named John, has an incident where a glitch happens with his BCI, he finds himself depending less on the technology and more on his own free thinking again. John sets out on a quest to discover the truth about what is going on and ends up finding a group who call themselves the Unlinked. Every member of this group has dealt with their own “glitches,” so to speak and they are now beginning to learn exactly what is really behind Synthetica’s actions and plans.

This is a very different type of plotline and the story keeps the reader engaged throughout. Whether that is the writing or the horrifying glimpse into a world that could actually come to be, I cannot say for sure, but I honestly believe it is a combination of both of these things. Author Sophia M. takes us on a journey that really shows us what the results of such a huge dependence on technology could be, and she does it in such a different and compelling way that science fiction fans will find entertaining and distressing all at the same time.

I found Synthetica to be extremely thought-provoking along with being quite alarming. Is it possible that this is what our world could become? A world in which we choose to be completely unaware of what is really happening and rely only on a technology that makes everything perfect in our minds, never knowing that someone else is in control of not only us, but everyone and everything around us? That is a particularly disturbing idea.

Synthetica is a story that will force readers to consider what type of life may be lived in the future. I think that the ethical questions put forward in the story are ones that will remain in the mind of the reader long after the book is finished. The way in which the story ended, a twist I for one never saw coming, leaves this open for a sequel. It would be very interesting to see what the author comes up with next.

Quill says: With technology so much a part of the world today, it is hard to imagine what more can be done and created in the future. Synthetica is a story that definitely attempts to do that imagining for us in a creative way.

For more information on Synthetica, please visit the author's Amazon page at:

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 #Bookreview of How To Be A Bad Cook: The Ultimate Quick Guide

By: Ruth Finnegan

Publisher: Callender Press

Publication Date: May 8, 2024

ISBN: 978-1739432829

Reviewed by: Diana Coyle

Review Date: September 17, 2024

In How To Be A Bad Cook: The Ultimate Quick Guide by Ruth Finnegan, readers are introduced to an unconventional take on the classic cookbook. Unlike the popular cookbooks that might already grace a bookshelf in your kitchen, this book is like none other that you have already bought.

The author’s approach to presenting this book is to teach the bad cooks that they aren’t so bad in the kitchen after all. Right from the first page, this cooking guide doesn’t present the usual things such as an index of recipes, colorful finished food pictures or even an extensive ingredient list – although the author does mention the very basic nondescript ingredients needed to make a particular dish. There aren’t even measurements offered as a conventional cookbook would offer. Finnegan’s reasoning for all the normal exclusions is that you can wing making a decent meal without having to follow meticulous cooking lists and endless instructions. She promotes the theory of using what you have in the kitchen and being creative.

This reviewer’s first impression of this book was one that was based on humor more than a serious cookbook that readers would go to in order to make a meal for their family. Seeing how there were extremely limited ingredients listed, no measurements offered on the ingredients you would be using, nor any finished colored pictures of the meal you wanted to make, it was difficult in taking this book as an ordinary cookbook.

Readers will be entertained in the extensive historical background presented about certain foods. One example was olive oil. We learn that it comes from olive trees as far back as 20 million years ago in what is now known as Italy. Other foods she offered researched history on were oats, eggs, soups, and even alcohol used in cooking.

The recipes offered vary from soups, meats, breakfast foods, even including a few desserts sprinkled in to satisfy those readers with a sweet tooth. One breakfast recipe that this reviewer found interesting was the Banana Pancakes. This recipe was as unconventional as you might imagine. Instead of making the pancakes the usual way, the author suggests using a mashed ripe banana with one egg mixed in to make the batter and allowing it to fry up into a pancake.

Quill says: If you are looking for an unconventional cookbook because you aren’t a master chef in the kitchen, look no further. How To Be A Bad Cook: The Ultimate Quick Guide is one fun cookbook that is completely different in design than other cookbooks out there.

For more information on How To Be A Bad Cook: The Ultimate Quick Guide, please visit the author’s website at:

Monday, September 16, 2024

 #Bookreview of Under the Family Tree

By: Gary Feinstein

Publisher: RiverQuest Publishing

Publication Date: October 15, 2024

ISBN: 979-8-9910687-0-3

Reviewed by: Diana Coyle

Review Date: September 16, 2024

Under the Family Tree by Gary Feinstein is a story in which sixteen-year-old Dakota Lodi isn’t your average teenager. Along with the common things such as boys, school, and friends, Dakota has a few significant issues she’s dealing with on a daily basis. Not only is her mom drinking heavily and doing some serious drugs, but also Dakota has come to a point in her life in which she thinks it’s time she gets to meet her father, who was never in her life growing up. No matter how many times she has asked her mother for details of her father, her mother gets uncomfortable and skirts the topic. Dakota is determined that one way or another she is going to find out information about her father and see if he’s alive or not.

After one too many drug and alcohol binges, Dakota’s mom is at the wrong place at the wrong time, and gets arrested. Since Dakota is still a minor, there’s no other family who can take her in except her grandmother. Although that sounds like a great plan, her grandmother hasn’t been in Dakota or her own daughter’s lives, by choice, for quite a few years. Dakota’s mom has caused her own mom too much stress and aggravation to want to be an active part of their lives. So when her grandmother hears she is the only person who can take Dakota in, she’s not thrilled with the decision, but takes her granddaughter in nonetheless. It’s while Dakota is staying with her grandmother that she decides to start her own research in finding out any and all information she can about her father. After convincing her grandmother to help her do a DNA test, Dakota is determined that she will find her father one way or another. But when she receives a DNA hit from someone, she’s not sure how she should proceed. Who does Dakota match with in the DNA testing? Does the testing help her find her father? What other information does she find out?

The first thing that came to this reviewer’s mind was just how complicated Dakota’s life truly was. Instead of her worrying about who she might have a crush on or what her and her best friend, Rosie, were going to do together over the weekend, Dakota was worrying about her mother drinking and doing drugs too much, which one day may lead to her mother doing such a mixture that could cause her to not wake up. Her mother was truly being selfish in taking care of only her needs and none of her daughter’s needs. I felt that Dakota was better off staying with her grandmother even though that wasn’t the most ideal situation for the either of them.

What was admirable was just how determined Dakota was in finding any information out about her father. Since her mother was useless in supplying Dakota any information, it was refreshing to see her unwavering in trying to find who her father was and whether or not he was still alive. It was extremely important for Dakota to finally find out some kind of information about him and she resorted to any means to achieve her goal. At times, she chose some undesirable actions just to achieve a small tidbit of information, which didn’t always pan out to be the truth. Seeing a sixteen-year-old so determined in achieving her goal was refreshing and made reading her story a pleasurable experience for this adult reader.

One thing worth mentioning was that even though this story was written with teens in mind, there were plenty of references written throughout this story, on varying topics, that adults can easily relate to from their past or present life. So although this book is under the teen category, adults can easily find themselves enjoying this coming of age story.

Quill says: Under the Family Tree by Gary Feinstein is one story where readers will find themselves investing in both their time and emotions and because of this, they’ll hope that Dakota finds the peace she’s looking for with whatever information she does find. Well done!

For more information on Under the Family Tree, please visit the author's website at:

Thursday, September 12, 2024

 #Bookreview of Endless Fall of Night

By: J.M. Erickson

Publication Date: June 1, 2024

ISBN: 978-1-942708-51-3

Reviewed by: Kathy Stickles

Review Date: September 12, 2024

Endless Fall of Night, a science fiction story reminiscent of Robert Conrad’s book Heart of Darkness, is an interesting story revolving around a look at a possible future on Earth. The story is creative, well-developed, and has a powerful impact on the reader that will leave them thinking long after the last page is read.

In Endless Fall of Night, we meet Cassandra, a young woman who grew up as part of the patrician class. The patricians are from the best families and they grow up learning that the races must be separated at all times in order for the world to be “pure.” The opposite group of the patricians would be the lowly plebs and slaves. As Cassie grows older, she begins to understand that these “classes” are not good for her world and she takes it upon herself to start sharing books and her own ideas with the lower classes. She is quickly caught and put on trial where, being found guilty, Cassie is sent to prison and loses her social status and her standing in her family, as well as her internal artificial intelligence program, a fabulous character named Aletheia.

After spending a year and a half in prison, training to become stronger, and finally regaining access to Aletheia who was removed from her head after the trial, Cassie finds herself being put on an Earth Navy flight to a Martian colony that has suddenly stopped all communication with Earth. The only thing besides images of slaughter that have been transmitted to Earth to be found in the colony is a message created with rocks that reads “Bring Cassandra Kurtz.” As Cassie joins the group going to Mars, she tries to ignore the fact that she is about to be given in marriage to a man she despises. Along this journey, she finds clues to horrifying experiments and disappearances of slaves from long ago, as the action takes off and never stops.

Endless Fall of Night is an action-packed and riveting science fiction story. The plot is different, the story well-written, and the characters are so interesting that the reader cannot help but immerse themselves into every bit of the book. Cassandra is an excellent protagonist. She is such a truly caring character as we see her interactions with the slaves and lower classes that surround her, regardless of the amount of trouble this creates, and with no thought to the possible loss of her own life. No reader could question her determination to change what has been happening. This is also, however, an extremely strong woman who will fight her family, the government, and anyone else who gets in her way while attempting to help. The incredibly well-developed relationship between Cassie and her AI counterpart Aletheia is so much fun to read. What humor, and yes there is some, that comes into the story is brought to us from Aletheia and it is a perfect addition to this tale. Her wit is something that is needed in the story and I loved it.

Endless Fall of Night is an excellent book and I recommend it to science fiction fans everywhere. With so many twists in the storyline, so much action, and the wonderful characters and their relationships, it is a perfect way to spend an afternoon and send yourself to another time and place. Do not miss it!

Quill says: While artificial intelligence has become a huge part of our lives today given where we are with technology right now, books about this topic are not always written well and do not always hold a reader’s attention. Endless Fall of Night is not like that at all. Every part of this story will keep you interested and entertained.

For more information on Endless Fall of Night, please visit the author's website at: