Thursday, January 16, 2025

 #Bookreview of Cooling our Environment: An Architect's Vision to Combat Global Warming

By: Kalpana Sutaria

Publisher: Atmosphere Press

Publication Date: December 10, 2024

ISBN: 979-8891325418

Reviewed by: Diana Coyle

Review Date: January 16, 2025

We look at buildings as a place where we live, work, and play. We take for granted that those existing buildings may or may not have been built with our environment in mind. In Cooling our Environment: An Architect’s Vision to Combat Global Warming by Kalpana Sutaria, we learn that professionals in the building industry are presently implementing sustainable building practices to create green buildings and infrastructures to lower emissions as best we can. All our activities, whether they are for work or play, are continually warming our planet. If we don’t make serious changes now, our planet and generations to come will experience unnecessary suffering.

Through our actions, global warming plays out in future weather events that will lead to increases in droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and hailstorms. The intensity of these weather events has been increasing over the past decades, causing severe devastation across the United States. Because of these severe weather changes, we must pay careful attention to our actions, and that of future generations, to address the severity of our present situation. In order to do this, we must use cleaner energy sources such as wind and solar power.

Sutaria presents a valid argument that if we and future generations don’t start taking responsibility for our actions, we are setting ourselves up for future devastating disasters. We need to be educated in not only how we, as individuals, can conserve for our planet, but as a whole we must all take responsibility to preserve our planet for generations to come. Part of this education comes from understanding how our homes, schools, and work places are being built. We need to get our local politicians involved and make them just as accountable for helping protect our future environment. They are the ones allowing areas to be built up, so let’s hold them accountable so we can collectively work toward a better, healthier, and environmentally friendlier place for future generations can grow up in.

The author has done her research and it clearly shows in the diagrams she provides and the statistics she shares. While reading, this reviewer had to take a minute or two to pause from time to time to actually let these statistics sink into her thoughts. Honestly, with everyone’s schedules being jammed with family and work routines, we all collectively don’t put much thought to what our future generations are going to be dealing with because of our present day actions. We don’t think about how buildings are being built, or what materials they might be using to build them. We don’t hold our local city and state departments accountable enough when they grant building permits. We have to wonder if they are truly taking the time to see what the builders plan on using to build the structures. But as Sutaria states, the time is now to start making changes before it is too late to do so. We all need to be held accountable for what future generations are going to have to deal with due to unfriendly environmental actions today.

Quill says: Cooling our Environment: An Architect’s Vision to Combat Global Warming will make readers stop and take a look at the footprints they are creating today. After reading this book, readers will be equipped to put into practice positive changes in order to shape a healthier environment for our future.

For more information about Cooling our Environment: An Architect’s Vision to Combat Global Warming, please visit the publisher's website at:

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

 #Bookreview of Year of the Snake Zodiac Predictions 2025

By: Barbara Hall

Publication Date: January 3, 2025

ISBN: 9798305910278

Reviewed by: Rebecca Jane Johnson

Review Date: January 15, 2025

Ringing in a new year brings new unknowns about the future. Rest assured, the librarian, teacher, and writer Barbara Hall’s Year of the Snake Zodiac Predictions 2025 gives helpful forecasts about the year ahead.

This book presents the perspectives of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui as a friendly support to our intuition. After providing some background and stories about snake mythology in Asian culture, this book proceeds through each of the twelve animals in the zodiac, revealing insights that can guide readers to making wise moves in 2025. Learn which Zodiac sign you were born under, and live with confidence in your strengths because the year of the snake has something unique for you. This book is complete with advice on design and style of your living space or work space to optimize harmony. Subtle forces will be at play throughout the year and, according to this wisdom, 2025 will be a year to use the snake’s qualities of strategic thinking, adaptability, and patience to confront whatever life dishes out in the areas of personal growth, health, wealth, career, and relationships.

Beginning January 29, 2025 until February 17, 2026, the Wood Snake rules the lunar cycle. The Wood Snake’s qualities are elegance, introspection, resourcefulness, and patience. It is best, according to Hall, to set intentions at the new moon and be grateful at the full moon each month. Curious about how your compatible companions will fare this year? This book reveals insight about navigating within nature, culture, family, intimacy, and society so that you and your loved ones can be in alignment and harmony.

This is a well-researched book, written in a practical, accessible, and personal way for an audience that ranges from those who are seasoned students of astrology to those who consult astrological wisdom for fun. The book contains translations for Chinese characters and auspicious symbols. It tells some of the story of the snake in the Zodiac. Nothing is missing from this elegant presentation. Every essential aspect is covered, leaving the reader feeling confident to plan the year ahead armed with wisdom.

Quill says: Year of the Snake Zodiac Predictions 2025 presents a method and sound advice for the coming year from the Chinese Zodiac and Feng Shui that can help readers navigate the ups and downs of this year with informed wisdom to bring growth, wealth, and connection to you and your loved ones in 2025.

For more information about Year of the Snake Zodiac Predictions 2025, please visit the author's website at:

Friday, January 10, 2025

 #Bookreview of Touchpaper

By: David Dodds

Publication Date: December 20, 2024

ISBN: 978-1-068566-90-5

Reviewed by: Shrubaboti Bose

Review Date: January 10, 2025

Touchpaper by David Dodds is a fantasy novel that slowly unravels amidst the cobbled streets of Edinburgh, recounting various challenges faced by its protagonist, Drew Macleod. Initially, he leads a lackluster and almost sedentary life, but everything changes one day when an other-worldly creature tries to kill him. The fine line separating the mortal world from the supernatural realm starts disintegrating, marking the beginning of an exhilarating journey of self-discovery and personal development. Hunted by several mysterious forces at the same time puts Drew under a lot of pressure, but he also finds friendship and acceptance within this new and unfamiliar community.

As the plot progresses, we are introduced to many interesting characters such as Traggheim, a dzarf with exceptional craftmanship and mechanical prowess; Alyssum, a highly spirited healer who offers him timely advice and some much-needed compassion as well as understanding; then there is Garm; Mamma Harbinger, Harkin the bloodcap, and more. Characters often draw inspiration from their past experiences and lend their strength to the main character in the form of unwavering support, as demonstrated by Drew’s best friend Jamie. It is no surprise that readers usually appreciate such sincerity and genuine companionship between two characters and feel moved to mentally cheer for them.

Archer, the ancient daemon who had rescued Drew on the night of the ambush, eventually assumes the role of his mentor, training him in basic survival techniques and combat skills. However, increasing stakes force Drew to finally come to terms with his new environment and the sheer importance of forming new allies. He gradually becomes acquainted with different members of this strange world and falls in love with a charming angelii, Ashnil. Despite internal strife and differences, this motley group of people from all walks of life quickly form alliances and unite their forces to fight against the evil aelve queen, who is notorious for her greed and cruelty.

Although the protagonist lacks the charisma one would expect from the main ‘hero,’ it seems justifiable in how Drew remains an amateur at best until the end, returning the symbolic torch of leadership back to Archer again. As a story narrated in the first person’s point of view, Drew holds the central space of the novel by default. And yet, almost ironically, the compelling presence of secondary characters undermines the significance of his role and gives us rather the impression of a naive character who is constantly in need of guidance or validation, far from being ready to take on the mantle and even less so in single-handedly organizing a battle against the otherwise clever and manipulative queen. Her final choice of deliberately walking into the trap that Drew had devised doesn’t really align with the rest of her character portrayal and comes off as slightly underwhelming.

Nevertheless, what makes this story particularly engaging is the way in which all the characters have been presented with their own individual personality and worldview. They are simultaneously different, original and realistic, making it enjoyable and also easier for readers to sympathize with their struggles and dilemmas. The author keeps the tone lighthearted, and the storytelling simple and captivating. There is some worldbuilding, but it is one that requires minimum investment in order to comprehend, which is bound to appeal to a larger readership than fantasy novels that feature extremely complex or confusing worldbuilding. With a curious blend of traditional and urban myths, this story holds our interest effortlessly, following an invisible chronology that binds the events together coherently.

Quill says: As a fast-paced fantasy novel with a group of different people working towards one common goal as a team, reflecting the subtle nuances and beauty of friendship, Touchpaper delivers!

For more information on Touchpaper, please visit the author's website at:

 #Bookreview of Align Your Business with the Real You

By: Jennifer Musser

Publisher: Penrock Press

Publication Date: April 29, 2025

ISBN: 979-8991544214

Reviewed by: Douglas C. MacLeod, Jr.

Review Date: January 9, 2025

According to Jennifer Musser, the founder of JLM & Associates Consulting, LLC and author of Align Your Business with the Real You, thirteen personal lessons must be learned to become more successful in business. These thirteen lessons stem from her “5C framework,” which developed throughout her years as a CEO and citizen. The five Cs are: connect; clarify; control; cocreate; and, change. Musser’s business framework may seem obvious, but what makes it more unique than most is that Musser writes about what owners need to do for themselves to become more effective for their customers, clients, and co-workers. Oftentimes, business communication books are more about how relationships can be lucrative for just the business owner. Instead, Musser’s work takes a more psychoanalytical approach, in that if one wants to be a business owner, the individual needs to first “LTY” or “Listen to Yourself” as “It’s the single most valuable business tool you own, and it’s accessible to you at any time.”

It is LTY that makes Align Your Business with the Real You a stronger text than most, because with “LTY” comes a recognition that “you” (because you are the audience who needs assistance with your budding business) must know yourself before venturing into a world that does not care about your well-being. Mental health challenges and a lack of self-care are contemporary issues discussed in houses, offices, and social media platforms around the globe; and Musser fully recognizes these points of interest and empathetically makes it known that without a clear sense of self--mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually--success (whatever that looks like for you) will be harder to attain. Musser’s caring demeanor is evident in her stylistic choices, which includes personal stories as introductions to chapters, and chapters that are consistently broken down to help readers reflect, learn, apply, act, and ask, all actions that positively feed into the thirteen lessons that should be learned while self-reflecting.

Each chapter in Align Your Business with the Real You is part of the process of learning about yourself so you can LTY, and each lesson that Musser presents is admirable and embraces humanism: change course if you feel it is right; collect skills and confidence; be kind; stay driven; persevere; and more. There is no doubt Musser has thoroughly vetted each of the lessons she is providing, and her affable mentality is a refreshing change from the barrage of vitriolic discourse we hear from powerful entities who use their platforms to disseminate negativity. And yet, there are potential questions: How long will Musser’s process take? If it took Musser years to figure out how effective this process is, should readers expect the same? In a fast-paced world where one feels the need to grab the brass ring before it quickly passes by, is LTY just another abstract mantra? Musser’s process has so many moving parts, so is it possible to hold onto each one of the thirteen lessons at all times? Throughout the book, Musser provides graphs and techniques to help readers map out their successes; however, can success take place if all thirteen lessons are not learned? What sorts of techniques can be used to help us keep all of the lessons in mind during moments of great professional strife? How can the thirteen lessons get us through each situation, being that each situation is unique in and of itself? Still, Align Your Business with the Real You presents a compelling and persuasive narrative to show that if you connect with yourself in a more profound and deeper way, and learn the empathic lessons presented by Musser, success, whatever that may look like for you, is bound to happen.

Quill says: Align Your Business with the Real You gives entrepreneurs much to work with and think about as it pertains to their inner selves and how to attain their own definition of success.

For more information on Align Your Business with the Real You, please visit the author’s website at:

Thursday, January 2, 2025

 #AuthorInterview with Dr. Kathi N. Miner

Today, Feathered Quill reviewer Diane Lunsford is talking with Dr. Kathi N. Miner, author of The Committed Professor A Memoir: My Fall from the Lectern to the Psych Ward.

FQ: Thank you for your time today. I was fascinated by your courage in writing your memoir and am honored to have the opportunity to chat today. I would like to ask a few questions about you before diving into the content. You have impressive credentials and during your educational journey, was there ever a time when you wanted to ‘call it quits’ and what was your motivation to keep moving forward?

MINER: Perhaps surprisingly, I never once thought about quitting my educational journey to get a PhD in Psychology and Women’s Studies. I tend to set pretty lofty goals for myself and persevere until I complete them. I also love doing social science research so it was very rewarding for me along the way. I am committed to making even a small change in society for those who are marginalized in society, especially women, so doing research on women’s lives for a career seemed like a perfect fit.

Author Dr. Kathi N. Miner

FQ: I’m intrigued to learn more about your departure from academia and your move to the Middle East to work for a large energy company to focus more on diversity and equity in the workplace. How much of an impact did writing your memoir play on making this decision?

MINER: Writing my memoir played a huge role in my decision to leave academia. As an academic working at a research-focused university, I was constantly working on publishing journal articles and securing grants and often felt like I had little time for other pursuits in order to succeed. I was committed to writing my memoir, but was making little progress. I felt leaving academia and getting a job in industry would offer me more work-life balance to complete my book – and it did!

FQ: I too am a mother. We have two wonderful daughters (aged 26 and soon-to-be 30) and I often reflect on the many joys they have graced my husband and me with over the years. What is one stand-out moment that comes to mind for you with each of your children?

MINER: I am so proud of my children. Two key instances that stand-out for me reflect how they have each influenced and had an impact other people. My daughter is a natural-born leader, always taking charge, involving and supporting others, and making things happen. I recall picking her up from preschool one day and the head of the school telling me “Your daughter, wow, she sure is a leader with all the kids! I truly believe she is going to be president one day!” My son tends to be the same way. One proud stand-out moment for me was at one of his track meets when he was 9 years old. He is very athletic and won the race with ease. But there was one runner who was lagging behind and having difficulty keeping up. My son went over to the runner, put his arm around her, and helped her, with words and motions, finish the race.

FQ: There were many moments while reading your memoir when I had to take a break. The mental anguish your ex-husband imposed on you is egregious. I work for a non-profit veterans retreat that provides a healing place for Warriors battling with the perils of their service experience. PTSD is very much in the forefront of those we host. If you were to give a clinic on coping mechanisms to learn how to address the mental anguishes of PTSD, what would be your number one recommendation and why?

MINER: My number one recommendation would be to find good social support. What really helped me was learning I was not alone, that my emotions were valid and real, and I was not to blame. Having support provided me hope that I would overcome what happened to me and thrive in the future.

FQ: Now that your children are grown, I would surmise even though they are grown, how difficult is it to be continents away from them?

MINER: It’s extremely difficult. They live in the US and I’m in the Middle East, so I only see them once or twice a year in person. Facetime helps tremendously – we talk regularly, sometimes daily, so we remain very connected even though we are not in the physical presence of each other. I’m also the happiest I’ve ever been (aside from not being close to them), so we all agree I made the right choice.

FQ: I was angered when you shared your experience with the first attorney you hired (Harry) and his blatant disregard toward women. In your opinion, do you ever think there will be a time when people (both men and women) come to the realization that it’s not about ‘women are this’ and ‘men are that’, but rather, let’s look at the issue at hand and focus on why is this happening and how do we turn the situation around?

MINER: I do. Gender roles and expectations have changed so much, even in just our lifetime. I think it will take time, but I do believe gender will play less and less of a role in relationships, decision making, opportunities, perceptions, etc. The first step is for people to become aware of the ways in which gendered expectations, stereotypes, and roles can negatively affect all genders though this is easier said than done when so many people believe its purely biological.

FQ: Your memory of your mother and how the scent of Estee Lauder Youth Dew reminds you of her touched a chord with me. I lost my grandfather many years ago and to this day, whenever I catch a scent of Old Spice, I immediately think of him. Are there other memories that take you back to the moment and if so, can you share one?

MINER: I have many memories that a stimulation of my senses bring me back to wonderful memories as a child. The smell of a charcoal grill is one – family time, laughing, yummy food, contentment, safety, and security.

FQ: There is a definitive dichotomy between what a man can do, and a woman has to do. Without going down a political rabbit hole, why do you think every four years we are faced with the insistence of having a woman in the White House? What I mean by that is, I am all for a capable woman, but not a woman solely for the sake of a woman. What is your opinion on this notion?

MINER: The push for a woman in the White House isn’t about putting someone there just because she’s a woman, though that’s what many people believe. Rather, it’s about breaking down systematic barriers and creating a government that truly represents everyone. When we call for women in leadership, it’s because they bring different perspectives and ideas, shaped by unique life experiences, that have been historically underrepresented. It’s not about ticking a box—it’s about ensuring we’re not missing out on voices that can drive real change for all Americans. So, every few years, this call resurfaces because people want leaders who reflect the diversity of our country and bring new, and often ignored and marginalized, ideas to the table. I think having a woman in the White House is a long time coming!

FQ: Your quote: ‘…abusers don’t have to punch you, choke you, or slam your head into a wall in order for it to be abuse…’ is quite powerful. There was an exchange with the police department when you attempted to take out a restraining order against your ex-husband because of his disgusting mental abuses toward you, yet the officer essentially said it wasn’t enough. How defenseless did this make you feel and if you were asked to give a lecture to law enforcement on this topic, how would you impress the importance of mental abuse and the need to be part of the criteria to gain such a restraining order?

MINER: My experience dealing with the legal and court systems during an abusive divorce felt like one defeat after another. I always thought those systems were there to support victims like me but instead I only felt more traumatized. In my research for the book, I learned that judges, attorneys, law enforcement etc. are dismally educated and prepared to deal with psychological abusers. If I was to give a lecture to law enforcement about the importance of mental abuse and the need to be part of the criteria for a restraining order, I would focus on three key points: (1) mental abuse is a form of abuse – while it may leave no physical scars, mental abuse is deeply damaging and can, and often does, escalate into physical violence; (2) patterns of power and control – mental abuse reflects a pattern of domination that often leaves victims too disoriented or fearful to report abuse, which means law enforcement must be proactive in identifying and addressing the signs of psychological abuse; and (3) legal standards must evolve – criteria for restraining orders must be updated to include psychological abuse to protect victims.

FQ: Thank you so much for your time today. Your memoir was incredibly moving, and I applaud you for your courage and strength to rise up and heal. Are you working on your next book and if so, are you able to enlighten us on its subject? If not, what’s next?

MINER: Thank you so much for your kind words. For now, I am working on promoting the book and getting it in the hands of as many people it can help as possible. I have many future book ideas though – mostly focused on empowering women. Stay tuned…and thanks again!

 #Bookreview of Just Time for a Quickie

By: The Sisters

Publisher: KNMiner Publishing

Publication Date: December 9, 2024

ISBN: 979-8990653535

Reviewed by: Diana Coyle

Review Date: January 2, 2025

In Just Time for a Quickie, authors The Sisters have penned a culinary adventure designed to ignite your passion and tantalize your senses by presenting readers with a delectable cookbook of sexy recipes. This is not your ordinary cookbook about food, but a perfectly chosen compilation of recipes put together to tease your taste buds while igniting a flame between you and that special someone in your life. These sensual recipes offer to turn your kitchen into a playground of romance.

The Sisters thought of everything from seductive appetizers to main dishes that will leave you craving more. There are even desserts to tempt your palate. They took it a step further and thoughtfully added the morning after breakfast recipes that are fun and playful for you and your partner to enjoy. This book is broken down into the following categories: Appeteasers; Leafy Lovers & Friends; The Main Attraction; Lovers on the Side; Sandwich Me Please; Happily Ever Afters; Morning Pleasures; Slippery When Wet; Spice Things Up; and You Had Me at Merlot.

This reviewer chose a few recipes presented throughout this cleverly thought out recipe book that she wanted to try. Cuddle Me Cucumber Bites are a breeze to make in which you take a few pieces of sourdough bread and spread either butter, soft cream cheese, or hummus on the bread and add cucumber and green olives as a garnish. A quick and simple pop-in-your-mouth appetizer that doesn’t take much work to prepare and tastes heavenly. As for the main course, The Make Me Moan Meatloaf is another easy to put together meal that once the ingredients are combined, you bake it for 45 minutes in an oven and each piece is mouthwateringly delicious.

Also cleverly added to this cookbook is a section on how to make homemade cocktails, creative spice combinations to use while cooking your meals, and even a section dedicated to how you pair your wine with the foods you make for your special someone. There are plenty of beautifully displayed pictures of the majority of recipes offered in this cookbook, so if you like seeing what the end result should look like, you’ll enjoy looking at these scrumptious full-colored pictures.

Interestingly enough, the title Just Time for a Quickie has a very interesting backstory to it. Joann Miner, the authors’ mother, was a beloved Food Editor in her local newspaper in the early 1980s. She was well respected in the journalism community and adored by her colleagues and readers. She wrote a cookbook titled A Taste of Orange County but the title she originally wanted to call it was Just Time for a Quickie. The newspaper she wrote for believed that name would be too radical in the journalism community for that time, hence the name change of her cookbook. Years later when her daughters were adults, and wanted to write their own cookbook, they paid homage to their mother and chose Just Time for a Quickie as the perfect title for their book.

Quill says: If you’re looking for a cookbook full of quick and delicious recipes to share with your significant other, Just Time for a Quickie by The Sisters is one book that you should definitely consider. It will not disappoint!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

 #Bookreview of Ridley Speaks

By: Kirk Ward Robinson

Publisher: Highland Home Publishing

Publication Date: May 15, 2024

ISBN: 979-8-9886815-1-9

Reviewed by: Diane Lunsford

Review Date: January 1, 2025

Ridley Speaks is the third book in author Kirk Ward Robinson’s The Speaks Saga. A phenomenal journey of peril and triumph is penned through the eyes and life of the main character, Ridley Speaks.

The story begins with young Ridley reflecting on early childhood memories. She recalls the time when she and her brother Tommy were living in the ‘Blue Place’ and describes it as such because "…That’s the only name we ever had for it, and we were young enough when we left it that neither of us has any notion where it was…" It wasn’t that Ridley was a loner; rather, she was a survivor. It seemed her momma kept adding to the litter of siblings and they were each from different daddies. Of course, Ridley would often fantasize that she and Tommy were from the same daddy, but that was a story she would address later in her life. One thing that resonated always in Ridley’s mind was the insistence from her momma that none of them should ever talk to strangers and never give up any information about who you were and where you were from.

It became clear to Ridley not long after her brother Tommy left home, that her time to go would soon follow. Living close to the Appalachian trail was like living near a freedom highway that led to hope and certainly more opportunity. Ridley packed her sparse belongings and her precious guitar along with her God-given talents and ear for music and pointed herself west. California was holding her hopes and dreams and she was determined to go there to collect them. However, Ridley was unprepared for the series of hard knocks and unfortunate events she would encounter when her first stop deposited her in Nashville, Tennessee.

I have not had the pleasure to read the first two books in The Speaks Saga (Timewell Speaks and Blaize Speaks). However, Kirk Ward Robinson knows how to anchor his voice and spin a tale; making Ridley Speaks a fantastic read that owns its spotlight to stand on its own. I was so intrigued with the storyline and adept writing skills Robinson portrays, that I plan to go back to the beginning of the series and read the first two books. The content is rich and raw. The subject matter in Ridley Speaks ranges from abject poverty to the disgusting reality of human trafficking. Robinson is visionary with word placement that is so descriptive it puts his audience in the moment. He has the enviable ability to describe a character that breathes life onto the page, "…He was a sickly-looking man who had more gray hair on his face than on his mottled scalp, and teeth that no smile could make pretty. And he had a smell, like something from a bottle under the kitchen sink…" The cadence and pace of this book is outstanding in that once his audience picks up this book, it will be most difficult to put down until the last page has been read. Bravo, Mr. Robinson. I look forward to your next book.

Quill says: Ridley Speaks is the essence of a memorable story of hope, true grit, and perseverance and Kirk Ward Robinson’s ability to write a great book resonates throughout.

For more information about Ridley Speaks, please visit the author’s website at: