By: Jane Kim Yu
Publisher: Absolute Author Publishing House
Publication Date: November 3, 2023
ISBN: 978-1649539113
Review Date: April 6, 2024
Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness expounds a powerful journey that begins with one woman’s realization of enlightened consciousness that unfolds into a wish-fulfilling jewel, making the journey to fulfillment available to everyone.
At a young age, Jane Kim Yu suffered an affliction—she was allergic to the sun. Every summer, she broke out in a scaly, painful rash that immobilized her. She lived a solitary, bedridden existence as a child when healthy children could run and play outdoors. She felt unlovable and unworthy. By the time Yu reached college, her condition eased somewhat, and she learned how to live with it. One clear spring day, she was passing beneath some trees on her college campus, and she was struck by a profound and deep sense of love, beauty, and enlightenment.
Wisdom of the Ages coursed through Yu and made her aware that every living being’s true nature is a constant flow of Love and Peace. She remained in this state of profound bliss and connection for six months. Her thinking mind totally shut down, and her ability to feel the flow of essential love through every being and every experience sensitized her to divine benevolence that exists here and now.
After she tells her own story, Yu uses the rest of the book to offer inspirational messages to anyone who enjoys encouragement. She is not proselytizing any particular path, religion, or spiritual practice. Instead, Yu is confidently proclaiming that everyone has a heart that is capable of higher knowingness; every soul feels a burn of passion from within, and it is anyone’s faith in their unique soul’s purpose that will manifest a person’s dreams into reality. She goes on the explain that the journey is about expressing our authentic selves. Release critical judgment of ourselves and others, and spend quality time listening to our unique hearts sing about our personal passions, joys, loves, interests, and curiosities. She explains how to heed the callings that speak to us.
This is a friendly, personable, accessible, and satisfying read for anyone looking for encouragement through any of life’s challenges. It’s a book a reader can keep and grab from the shelf when there is any need to be reminded—no matter what life throws our way, we can handle it. Love and peace have our backs while we are walking each other home.
Quill says: Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness is an inspirational read. It is like having a personal life coach cheering us on and believing in us, so we can focus on keeping our soul’s fire burning.
For more information on Journey of Awakening and Higher Consciousness, please visit the author's website at:
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