Monday, April 22, 2024

#Bookreview of 10-Minute Chair Exercises for Seniors

10-Minute Chair Exercises for Seniors: Simple Illustrated Workout Guide for Core Strength, Balance, and Flexibility to Prevent Injuries and Lose Weight in Under 30 Days

Publisher: PrimeLife Wellness
Publication Date: April 2, 2024
ISBN: 978-1915710598
Reviewed by: Douglas C. MacLeod, Jr.
Review Date: April 15, 2024
10- Minute Chair Exercises for Seniors, published by PrimeLife Wellness and written by lead author, James Evans, is an informative follow-up to 10-Minute Balance Exercises for Seniors, published earlier this year (2024). This newest text, however, is more about keeping our elderly population limber to ensure they stay fit during their golden years, and to do so in a manageable and economically viable way. As we age, so does our body and, as Evans astutely points out, much of the body’s breakdown happens because of a lack of exercise. Evans writes that “your body adapts to whatever demands you regularly place on it,” (pg. 5) so if we do not work at keeping active, an inevitable dwindling of muscle mass will occur. Thus, these chair exercises are meant to help readers build back muscle without the “purchase [of] expensive gym equipment or [a commitment] to regularly commuting to a public gym.” (pg. 6)
The introduction to 10-Minute Chair Exercises for Seniors sets the pace for the rest of the work, which is well-organized and easy to read. There is a positive and persuasive tone to Evans’s content, which came about with the help of multiple professional fitness experts and has simple instructions to ensure the person performing the exercise does not get hurt. Evans spends time on the human body’s adaptability, even if that body is not in shape; on what chair exercises are; and on why chair exercises should be performed. He also writes about PrimeLife Wellness, which provides readers with some insight into what the company’s goal is: for the elderly to do five-to-ten minutes of exercise a day to prolong life, help prevent heart attacks and unexpected falls, and “increase your balance, coordination, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and muscular power.” (pg. 😎
Evans establishes that the exercising elderly must prepare their bodies and equipment before they begin their regiment. First, they need a stationary, sturdy chair that is able to take the weight of the person exercising. Then the reader is given further details about the type of chair as well as other elements that might provide assistance. Evans et al. show in their first chapters they are strong critical thinkers, presenting multiple scenarios that may lead to issues that need immediate problem-solving. They understand mistakes can seriously hurt, maim, and kill those seeking their help. For obvious reasons, the writers take every possible precaution before they delve into the exercises for comfort and safety, and even writing about the exercise environment, which should be free of tripping hazards; close by to water sources and healthy snacks; and, accessible to breathable clothing and sensible footwear. In providing extensive instructions, which include breathing exercises, warm-up and cool-down regiments, and body awareness conversations, it shows PrimeLife Wellness cares for their constituency.
The next several chapters are devoted to cardio and muscular endurance; working the core, and lower/upper body; and, stretching and flexibility. Most fascinating about these chapters is the number of exercises Evans et al. presents to their readers. Having such a vast variety allows for those doing those exercises an opportunity to switch the plan whenever they wish, which in turn takes away any possible issues surrounding redundancy and complacency. Similar to 10-Minute Balance Exercises for Seniors, 10-Minute Chair Exercises for Seniors has limpid instructions and simple drawings to help those who may not stay focused, or those who may need a visual to better understand; and, a QR code and video are also available, making these exercises accessible to those who are either allistic or neurodiverse. Evans et al. made this book inclusive by including multiple forms of learning within the text, whether tech savvy or not.
By the end of the text, Evans et al. lays out a firm foundation for their aged readers. They provide the ten-minute plan, a weekly plan, and opportunities within the plan to modify. Some of these plans are at the beginning stages of the reader’s fitness journey while other plans are devoted to the more adventurous; but they leave the plan up to the people doing the exercises. They have autonomy and, ultimately, PrimeLife Wellness wants the elderly to feel more accomplished. The company recognizes how essential our elderly are. The aged should be healthy, hearty, and happy citizens, who live with the knowledge that they can be around for their families and friends, without pain and discomfort.
Quill says: 10-Minute Chair Exercises for Seniors is a strong pseudo-sequel that is more focused than its predecessor, but equally as effective in its execution.
For more information on 10-Minute Chair Exercises for Seniors: Simple Illustrated Workout Guide for Core Strength, Balance, and Flexibility to Prevent Injuries and Lose Weight in Under 30 Days, please visit the publisher's website at:

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