By: Freddie Floyd Jr.
Publisher: Covenant Books
Publication Date: December 5, 2022
ISBN: 979-8886444018
Review Date: July 3, 2023
As Ellen J. Barrier famously cited, "The strength of a man is in his character. A strong man is a great man of wisdom who understands that his top priority is his family." The MENtal Fight of Your Life by Freddie Floyd Jr. is a groundbreaking text that aspires to anatomize a man's role in the development and sustenance of a household, in addition to the assumption of accountability for his actions which stands fundamental in the actualization of family goals and ambitions.
Author Floyd starts by indicating the prospect of achieving healthy and mutually satisfying relationships. In his words, a lot goes into a relationship, but no matter the toil, a great relationship is within one's reach. He acknowledges the constant battles in the minds of many men, with fear of failure reigning supreme over other concerns. This, he asserts, is largely caused by jealousy over other men's success, low self-esteem that comes from a failure to see God's favor on oneself, and letting in an arrogant disposition that takes selfish credit for success in life.
As readers will realize, many men have taken an unfit label from society which sadly is different from the creator's outlook of them as ably equipped household heads. Floyd strongly feels that a shift back to consideration of God's word will not only reveal to every man the divine will of God over their lives but will also put to a much-needed halt the widely spread notion around women that men are dispensable. Men who will take on this read will not only understand what loving the wife as Christ loves the church means regardless of what they do in return but will also comprehend how that resonates back to them, "... the more you give, the more you get!"
As many readers may have heard, marriage is indisputably arduous, and thus obtaining foundational approaches is paramount for the enhancement of the companionship offered within marriage. The MENtal Fight of Your Life is a short but helpful guidebook whose factual and Biblically-grounded content makes it a befitting read for marriage counseling and guidance. Readers will find it compact, concise, and informative for partners who may want to save or strengthen their marriage. It intends to see couples stay together for a long time as envisioned in its practical guidelines that reveal what makes each partner happy and satisfied. The eleven chapters are of considerable interest especially since they impart some fairly obvious but important insights, in a down-to-earth manner not often heard. Its conclusion wraps everything together and will promote the rarely-mentioned concept of growth in independence among couples, essential for the sustenance of unbreakable bonds.
Quill says: The grass is greenest where you water it. The MENtal Fight of Your Life by Freddie Floyd Jr is a marriage manual that teaches its audience how to have a savvy union as well as how to bring happiness back when life pulls it away! Highly recommended!
For more information on The MENtal Fight of Your Life, please visit the author's website at:
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