Coming To Your Senses
By: Beth Johnson
Publisher: CreateSpace
Publication Date: February 2013
ISBN: 978-1480210660
Reviewed by: Diane Lunsford
Review Date: April 10, 2013
Publisher: CreateSpace
Publication Date: February 2013
ISBN: 978-1480210660
Reviewed by: Diane Lunsford
Review Date: April 10, 2013
The suggestion at the onset is to lay the foundation of the book's purpose by advising the reader it is a book about and for ‘you’ as opposed to endless pontification of the author’s personal experiences and revelations. Essentially, the road map (or plot) is clearly uncovered on the first page of “Introduction: …There is nothing unique about the intent of this book, but the methodology and usefulness of its content places it in a category all its own…” The premise is further solidified in the early chapters immediately following the introduction. They are organized in a progressive fashion with an educational series of steps to follow. The author patiently blends logic with ‘consider this’ style as she explains not only the evolution of meditation, but how to benefit from incorporating it into one’s daily diet. Her sublime insistence, however, is meditation has become far more than simply sitting in a yoga position and chanting mantras in the quest for the ‘quiet’ we humans seek.
One chapter, in particular, is devoted to definitions that explain what the novice will experience as he or she begins the practice of Visual Meditation. Before jumping into an ‘altered state,’ however, the importance of understanding how to feel versus think is addressed. The latter is attributable to the constant chatter of one’s “Ego”; defined as that part of the human mind reserved for thinking (or formulating judgments) as part of our conscious thought process. Building on the premise of feeling, Ms. Johnson guides the reader with instruction on how to set aside judgment (Ego/thought) in order to connect with the soul.
Ms. Johnson has written a book rich in content in a mere 152 pages that delivers a phenomenal invitation of: try it and you won’t be disappointed. Her writing ability portrays sensitivity, yet she is committed to delivering a message to her readership that the practice of Visual Meditation is an intrinsic form of rejuvenation. What resonated most for me was the fact that she did not preach nor did she waiver from endorsing her personal belief of the benefits derived from this form of meditation. She did not litter the pages with excessive, 50-character clinical terms. Rather she used basic terminology and stayed true to her message of the benefits derived as she enticed the reader to absorb the teaching. Purely from this writer’s perspective, Ms. Johnson wrote this book with a clear vision of her audience. I applaud her for writing and delivering a confident and informative body of work. Her ability as a focused writer is evident throughout the book.
Quill says: Coming to Your Senses is a positive and educational account that addresses the benefits one might experience through the practice of Visual Meditation.
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