Children of the Underground
By: Trevor Shane
Publisher: New American Library
Publication Date: April 2013
ISBN: 978-0-451-23929-7
Reviewed by: Diane Lunsford
Review Date: April 2, 2013
Publisher: New American Library
Publication Date: April 2013
ISBN: 978-0-451-23929-7
Reviewed by: Diane Lunsford
Review Date: April 2, 2013
With two opposing sides—good and evil, the line of demarcation is clear. At seventeen and not by choice, Maria is exposed to the war through her lover Joe. It is when Joe is murdered and their infant son, Christopher, is taken from her, that reality strikes. She is alone in her universe and surrounded by blatant assassinations. Maria collects her worldly possessions—Joe’s journal and a baby development book and begins her quest by traveling to Grand Case, Saint Martin. She is in search of Joe’s best friend, Michael. She will avenge Joe’s death and at the same time find her son. Michael is a killer, but more importantly, he was also Joe’s friend. Uncertain he will help Maria once they connect doesn’t matter anymore. Maria is willing to take the risk. She wants her son back. It is when Jared, yet another once comrade of Joe’s enters the picture that both Maria and Michael realize perhaps their victory may come at the price of more than a few of their own casualties of war.
There is also a good fight going on. Addy and Evan, key players in the Underground, have devoted their lives to ending the war. With mere seconds to spare in escaping their California compound as it burns to the ground, they set out on their mission to join forces with their eastern alliance. The mission is simple in theory, but oh so complicated. It’s time to end the war.
Trevor Shane’s pen was at full throttle throughout Children of the Underground. While I’ve not read his first novel, Children of Paranoia, this story is fluid and certainly stands firmly on its own merit. The writing oozes with a full-bodied and action-packed storyline. Shane did a superb job of developing his characters in this latest novel. There is no super hero cheesiness or sappy, sublime romance. There is without question, a wealth of credibility. The diversities, values and convictions separating the war from the Underground are written with clarity and it provokes the reader from the onset to choose a side. I give Mr. Shane big props for being an accomplished and savvy writer because he clearly knows how to grab hold of his intended audience. Nowhere has he compromised the story with unnecessary filler. There is an excerpt to his third novel, Children of the Uprising at the end of this novel. I look forward to its debut, as undoubtedly, it will usurp this reader on page one and refuse to let go until ‘The End.’ Well done Mr. Shane!
Quill says: Couldn’t turn the pages fast enough! Mr. Shane has delivered a solid take on the battle lines drawn between good and evil.
Thanks for the wonderful review. I hope it makes you want to pick up the first book too!