Thursday, February 17, 2011

IndieBookMan Show podcast #9: Amazon

This week, we take a trip to the Amazon. Well, to, anyway. The book-selling giant, not the South American jungle.

Join us as we explore the ins-and-outs of using Amazon. Is it good for indie publishing, or is Jeff Bezos and his gang greedily enriching themselves on the backs of writers and publishers? To find out, we speak this week with:
  • Jeff Waxman, founder of Against Amazon. Find out why he is against Amazon and why he is convinced that — once you know what he knows — you will be too.
  • We speak with a publisher and 2 authors about their feelings about using Amazon’s services to sell their books:Each weighs in on how Amazon is working for them
  • And we close things out with our weekly call to Karl Brown, who gives us his thoughts on “The Big A,” and if it’s good for an indie author or not.
    Special thanks this week to Kenobi for the use of their music.
  • We will be off next week, but back on March 2nd with our 10th episode, “Guerilla Marketing.” We will explore techniques and tactics for marketing your book using sweat and creativity instead of a huge marketing budget. Make sure you catch us on March 2nd for that.
    And now, please enjoy Amazon: iTunes:
Brad Grochowski
The IndieBookMan

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