Today, Feathered Quill reviewer Lily Andrews is talking with Paul Buchheit, author of Sonnets of Love and Joy.
FQ: Your book Sonnets of Love and Joy follows the traditional English fourteen-line format. It's a classic and one that I'm particularly fond of. What are some of the themes featured therein?
BUCHHEIT: Sonnets of Love and Joy is organized into sections on love, family and friendship, nature, seasons, and the joy of being a child.
FQ: You have written other books in historical and non-fiction genres. How different in writing are they from poetry? Do you prefer one over the others or do you find satisfaction in many genres?
BUCHHEIT: Non-fiction is intriguing in that it allows a writer to describe real people and places and events. But poetry, especially "modern classical" sonnet writing, allows the writer to interpret such realities in a personal and emotional way.
FQ: The sonnets include themes such as childhood joys, and love and friendship. Were these inspired by your upbringing? Fond memories? From what you perhaps wished was your childhood?
BUCHHEIT: The themes of my sonnets are largely derived from my interactions with loved ones. And yes, in some cases from wishes and imaginings.
FQ: Reading this book reminded me of some of Shakespeare's work. Is your writing in any way inspired by him or any other poets of old?

BUCHHEIT: Yes, I've read and enjoyed many of Shakespeare's sonnets. Most of the poems in my book are Shakespearean sonnets.
FQ: There are several photographs and reproductions of paintings in between the pages. How did you select what to include and what objective did you hope them to accomplish?
BUCHHEIT: For each poem, I searched the Internet for a work that would help the reader relate to the message in the writing.
FQ: There is impeccable imagery and visualization in the poem "Spring Awakening." Were these scenes something you have encountered in your daily life, a fruit of your imagination, or even both?
BUCHHEIT: I spend a lot of time in the woods around my cabin, taking mental notes of the beauty around me. I enjoy trying to describe my surroundings with descriptive language.
FQ: There is a lot that is dazzling in the poem "Child's Garden." What was going through your mind as you penned this jewel box?
BUCHHEIT: This poem expressed images recalled from my own childhood with my brother and sisters, when our father would take us to his flower garden.
FQ: Would you mind sharing more details regarding the colorful portrait adorned on the cover?
BUCHHEIT: The Love of Paris and Helen, by Jacques-Louis David, 1788, seemed ideal for a book about love and joy (even though Paris stole Helen from Menelaus and thus triggered the Trojan War!).
FQ: Is poetry a genre you would confirm a worthwhile venture in this present time and age, and if so, what do you feel is the secret to writing great and tantalizing poems? I hear a lot from writers who want to share their poetry, but have been convinced it's too hard to get their works "out there" to the general public. What would you say to inspire these burgeoning writers?
BUCHHEIT: I consider my poetry a form of "modern classical" verse. I believe that form matters, and I'm hopeful that poetry lovers will again recognize that the reading of a carefully crafted sonnet can be a pleasing emotional experience.
FQ: Looking over your website, I'm intrigued by your book, Alice's Adventures. Are you a big fan of Lewis Carroll? Would you tell our readers a bit about your version? Is it the same story, but modernized? Were there any aspects of the story that you changed?
BUCHHEIT: I've always enjoyed the work of Lewis Carroll. My 'Alice' book is an attempt to modernize his story as a formal poem. Some of the outdated references and characters were omitted from my telling of the story.
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