Awards Sell Books! Wouldn't you like to put this award seal on your book? Time is running out for this year's nominations. Learn more here:
We also offer numerous special awards such as the Feathered Quill's "We Love Animals!" Award - Two winners will be selected for this award - the top placing books in categories 19 and 20, Best Animal - Children's and YA; Best Animal - Adult (both fiction and non-fiction). Each winner will receive a Spotlight (front page) review and author interview with links to the book's (or author's) website. Review and interview will also be posted to our blog, twitter account, Facebook page, and In addition, the review will be posted to Barnes& and Google Books (if the book is listed on those sites). If the book has already received a review from Feathered Quill, we will move that review to our main page for not less than two weeks. - $125 value
and the
BestsellersWorld Award for Best Romance - This award includes an author page on the site and the book and synopsis added to the Featured Books page for 10 days. - $125 value
and how about the
Polka Dot Banner Award for Best Self-Help - The Polka Dot Banner, the book visibility site, will provide the winner of this category with a one-year Pro-Promoter profile that includes: a front page book cover ad, top-of-the-page banner, Featured Author interview, book cover ad, a top-of-every-page mini book icon, Platinum Authors highlight page placement, special easy-access browse tab to your book, and access to all available profile tabs. (See site for complete details of this option.) - $169 value
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