Marvel Avengers Assemble in Action Poster-A-Page (Marvel Poster-a-Page)
By: Disney
Publisher: Disney
Publication Date: September 2014
ISBN: 978-1618933768
Reviewed by: Deb Fowler
Review Date: November 2014
Publisher: Disney
Publication Date: September 2014
ISBN: 978-1618933768
Reviewed by: Deb Fowler
Review Date: November 2014
Real Name: Bruce Banner
Occupation: Scientist
Powers: Incalculable strength, endurance, speed and healing ability
Secret Strength: Limitless power
Secret Weakness: Uncontrollable rage
Of course if you are an Avengers fan, you probably knew all of this already. I know I wouldn’t want to be in the Hulk’s way when that green humanoid was on a tear. Is that Thor? Better watch out because if he enters into a state of “Warrior Madness,” he could be big time trouble too.
This book is filled with more superheroes than you can shake a stick at (or maybe a hammer if you’re anything like Thor). Every page is a poster and there are nine supersize pullout posters that have an unforgettable wow factor. Perhaps if you’d like you can even put them all on your walls ... if you have enough space!
There are bios of the Avengers, incredible eye-popping poses, and great vignettes that let you know about those powers. For example, Iron Man's “Electroshock exit-charges zap villains who get too close. When the Mark 50 lights up, it’s lights out for evildoers!”
Of course collectors won’t touch a page of this incredible book, but young Avengers fans will have it apart in a minute scrambling for those pushpins or tape to fill up their walls. The high gloss pages are literally a work of art with wall-to-wall Avengers. This book is definitely a must have for all fans, especially those who need some Avenger wallpaper!
- Impossible Is What We Do! (Hulk, Thor, Falcon)
- Avengers Assemble (Group shot)
- Earth’s Mightiest Heroes (Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow)
- Role Model (Captain America)
- Son of Odin (Thor)
- Hulk Smash! (Hulk)
- Invincible! (Iron Man)
- The Avenging Archer (Hawkeye)
- Widow’s Sting (Black Widow)
Quill says: A collectible superhero lollapalooza of bios, posters, and action-packed pics if there ever was one!
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