Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Book Review - Wild Ideas

Wild Ideas: Let Nature Inspire Your Thinking

By: Elin Kelsey
Illustrated by: Soyeon Kim
Publisher: Owlkids Books
Publication Date: April 2015
ISBN: 978-1-77147-062-9
Reviewed by: Amy Lignor
Date: April 2, 2015

Have you ever heard the old adage about how animals are able to solve problems when people can’t? This is still very true, as we all know. From dolphins to chimpanzees, the creatures living in the forests, skies and oceans (non-human, that is), have proven again and again that they own the capacity to understand a problem, think it through, and solve that problem—without becoming so angry that they simply give up.

Whether it be sea otters who have perfected the art of cracking crabs on their bellies for some good chow, or how some species such as ravens and hyenas actually join forces and work as a team to hunt prey for their survival, animals can teach us things.

In other words, this is one outstanding children’s book. Although, it is a book I believe parents should read to their children so that Man can come to some sort of understanding as well. Working together to solve problems can be fun, inventive, and most assuredly bring species together.

You Are Stardust was the first awe-inspiring read from these creators, and this is the second. A science educator joined her ideas with a spectacular artist/illustrator to bring these ideas forth that focus on the world of creative thinking. And they have done a fantastic job. They show that even the animals get frustrated once in a while with attempts that do not work out, but continue to strive in order to invent the tools they need to succeed. The dioramas are truly beautiful in this book and without pushing or prodding children will learn, respect, and connect with the natural world out there.
Educating kids in a fun way is incredible…educating adults is at most times a miracle. If this team continues with their publications both the incredible will happen and, fingers crossed, miracles will come about.

Quill says: Gorgeous illustrations, easy, lyrical text, and even a website that is beyond cool that you have to check out ( ideas); this book is a “must-read!”

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