Your Pajamas are Showing! (Where's Leopold?)
By: Michel-Yves Schmitt
Illustrated by: Vincent Caut
Publisher: Graphic Universe
Publication Date: January 2013
Reviewed by: Deb Fowler
Review Date: March 2013
Illustrated by: Vincent Caut
Publisher: Graphic Universe
Publication Date: January 2013
Reviewed by: Deb Fowler
Review Date: March 2013
Try as he might, Leo couldn’t make his clothes invisible. He tried saying magic words like “socksunderpandsundershirt,” but even that didn’t work. All of a sudden, poof! Leo was invisible. The only way anyone could see him when he was invisible was if Celine tossed some paint over him. “Hmph!,” Leo claimed, “I have a superpower and I can’t tell anybody.” Celine thought of all kinds of people, including the Mafia, who would be interested in his superpowers. There were lots of interesting ways Leo could use his powers, including “stealing cake,” but there were also many other things the brother and sister could do!
This is a humorous story of Celine and her little “invisible” brother, Leopold. This is the first in a graphic novel series aimed toward the younger reader, including the reluctant one. This is a more progressive graphic novel with potty humor, something that some parents do not appreciate. For example, when Celine is playing with her friends invisible Leo embarrasses her with a loud, smelly “TOOOT.” The panels are bright, uncluttered, and lively. In the back of the book is a missing and moved objects activity. Because this book is serialized, there is a four panel teaser introducing the second book. If you have a youngster who enjoys jokes and loves being silly, this may be one to add to your list!
Quill says: Young readers, especially reluctant ones, will love Celine and her silly, invisible brother, Leopold!
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