Friday, November 1, 2024

 #Bookreview of The Memory Trap

By: Donna Joppie

Publisher: DartFrog Books

Publication Date: October 8, 2024

ISBN: 978-1961624443

Reviewed by: Diana Coyle

Review Date: November 1, 2024

In The Memory Trap by Donna Joppie, we are introduced to Rob Chambers, who is fresh out of law school in the Spring of 1962. He has been interning for the past two years at the Tolland Law Firm in Dallas, Texas. Now, Gary Tolland, the owner of the firm, has offered Rob an associate position because Rob has proven to be such an asset during his internship with them. Although this sounds like a wonderful opportunity, senior associate James Horton is bothered by Gary’s decision to offer Rob the very position that James had promised someone else, but ultimately ending up recanting. To say there is extreme tension between James and Rob is an understatement.

When Gary chooses Rob to go on an important trip with James and other associates to conduct meetings with their largest client, Mexicana Oil, James decides he’s going to make Rob’s life a living hell by ensuring that Rob isn’t present for the necessary meetings. But Rob can’t help but try convincing James that the paperwork that Mexicana Oil intends to sign is legally inaccurate, so James spitefully decides to destroy all evidence that Rob has spent hours producing to support his claim. If this hasn’t caused enough controversy, Rob gets entangled in a deceitful web of lies with Carlos, the son of the owner of Mexicana Oil. Life gets even more complicated by the minute for Rob. Does the inaccurate paperwork get signed by Mexicana Oil after all? Does the truth come out regarding what James did to Rob’s legal evidence? What tangled web does Rob find himself in with untrustworthy Carlos?

This book is a crime thriller that grabs hold of readers right from the very first page and takes them on an intense roller coaster ride right until the very last page. As James tried everything within his power to compromise Rob’s position with the firm, it became obvious that the work relationship between the men was going to be anything but civil. Readers will immediately dislike James not only for his deception toward Rob, but more importantly, the very firm he had been senior associate at for the past 15 years. One had to wonder if James had other intentions instead of just doing business with the firm’s largest client and sealing the deal with Mexicana Oil to have the paperwork state inaccurate information.

It was extremely easy to fall in love with Rob’s character. You have a young guy who had worked hard throughout law school, while doing a two year internship at the Tolland Law Firm. He had gained plenty of respect during his tenure there to secure an associate position with the firm before even taking his bar exam. He had a loving relationship with his girlfriend, Wanda, who he hoped to propose to once he passed his bar exam. Things just seemed to have fallen into place for him. That was until dishonest Carlos asked him to do something he never should have been asked to do. Rob’s perfect life was quickly turned upside down and there didn’t seem to be any resolution to correct everything that was shattering around him. Readers will find themselves trying to come up with solutions to offer Rob as if he were a real person you wanted to help.

Quill says: The Memory Trap by Donna Joppie is full of mystery, intrigue, and plenty of white knuckle moments where you can’t help but hold your breath. Well done, Ms. Joppie!

For more information on The Memory Trap, please visit the author’s website at:

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