Today, Feathered Quill reviewer Amy Lignor is talking with Lisa Stauder, author of Imprint
FQ: Imprint is based on very real experiences in your life. Can you tell readers a bit about your gifts and how they’ve grown to become acceptable/easier to live with in this day and age?
STAUDER: Well, Imprint is a Fiction book with a mix of real it in. I do see and hear spirits and learn more and more every day how to listen to the messages that are coming through. People are more and more open to the idea that we can communicate with loved ones who have passed so, the messages are easier to share compared to 30 years ago, at least for me...
FQ: Do you feel in the 21st century that the sphere of everything from angels to spirits to seeing those who have passed, etc., have become part of the norm?
STAUDER: Certainly there are far more books, as well as TV series that touch upon these subjects. Absolutely! People are more and more open to the idea that we can communicate with loved ones who have passed so, the messages are easier to share compared to 30 years ago, at least for me... When you tell someone a message and validate the information in a way that there is no explanation HOW I would know that - it's powerful.
FQ: When and why did you decide to write this book? Was it therapeutic for you in a way?
STAUDER: A few years ago, I was a single mom who just got laid off. I had always said I was going to get back to writing. So, instead of saying I was unemployed, I declared that I was a writer. Then, one night I woke up at 3am and started writing. The following 31 days after that, each night at the same time, I woke up with another chapter coming out... It was very therapeutic as well as a little scary. I was announcing to the world that I see and hear spirits and not everyone knew that about me. I feel very liberated now that it is out! I originally wrote it for my kids. Then others started reading it... Two years ago our 21 year old son passed away. The cliche' "LIFE IS SHORT" became a harsh reality for me. So, publishing my book was one of my "someday I am going to do that" things and I realized I had to stop living that way. Life IS short - do what you love NOW! Just go for it! So, that is why I published the book.
FQ: Looking into the future and, after having this writing experience, do you see yourself delving into writing more books? And would you be interested in writing in other genres to reach out to more readers?
STAUDER: I have many books in the works now and I am enjoying traveling around and speaking to groups as well. There are so many of us who have experienced similar gifts and it is fun to talk with them. It is also great to have open discussions as to WHY certain things happen in life. Is there a deeper meaning, what is the bigger picture, is there a soul agreement for whatever happened? It is great to explore the why's.
FQ: You speak about the Pequot Indians and various historical events that played out in the Eastern half of the U.S. Do you like doing research?
STAUDER: I do! However, that information was unknown to me as I was writing the book. The information came to me - I later double checked to see if it was somewhat accurate but again - it is a fiction book so some of it might not be historically accurate.
FQ: Do you have a favorite author? If so, who would that be and why?
STAUDER: I am a book nerd so I read everything! I love self help books. I have 5 kids so I also read what they are reading. I have read every Harry Potter book (Yup - I was the parent with the kids at midnight at the book store when they released a new book!) I read the Twilight series, The divergent series, Hunger Games series etc.... It is a great way to keep up with what the kids are in to and great fun as a family! I have to say that I love the stories of HOW people came to write their story. I love reading author bios!
FQ: Can you tell readers a bit about your public/motivational speaking? Is there a particular story that you can relay in regards to a memorable meet you had at one of your events?
STAUDER: I love connecting with people. My goal is to help people through tough situations and heal... Sometimes you plan for what you are going to cover and then it goes a completely different direction. The energy in the room sometimes determines what topics we will uncover. I was at an event and a young woman came up to me to introduce herself. When she was a child she came to some of my speaking engagements with her mom so it was great fun getting to hear her journey and validating for me that I am on the right path to helping people heal as they move through life situations.
FQ: If you had to pick, what would be the one thing/lesson/point you’d like readers to take away from Imprint?
STAUDER: BE TRUE TO YOURSELF. I spent so many years trying to "fit in" and have approval from others that I was not living my authentic self. Now, I am not only empowered to BE ME but, I am able to help others be accepting of who they are and make an impact in other people's lives.
FQ: If people wish to speak to you further about their own gifts, is there a place they can reach you with questions?
STAUDER: Yes! I am on Facebook and love to get messages and videos from readers. I also answer emails at
To learn more about Imprint please read the review at: Feathered Quill Book Reviews.
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