Tenebrae Manor
By: P.S. Clinen
Illustrated By: Nicholas Roerich
Publisher: Thorpe-Bowker
Publication Date: April 2014
ISBN: 978-0-64-692024-5
Reviewed By: Kristi Benedict
Review Date: June 28, 2014
Illustrated By: Nicholas Roerich
Publisher: Thorpe-Bowker
Publication Date: April 2014
ISBN: 978-0-64-692024-5
Reviewed By: Kristi Benedict
Review Date: June 28, 2014
Even when Libra dismisses the fact that danger could be lurking in the forest threatening to destroy Tenebrae Manor, Bordeaux knows that something is definitely not right. For centuries the forest that was filled with the quiet and familiar sounds of the night has now turned to sounds of malice. Creatures called Wood Golems, that are usually slow and easily ignored, have turned viciously and dangerously aggressive. On top of that their aggression is headed straight for Tenebrae Manor where it seems this evil force is trying to strangle the very life out of the manor itself. The safety of every resident is at stake, and Bordeaux is determined that the well being of his friends be ensured.
As the creatures of Tenebrae Manor fight to protect their home, a strange question is burning in the back of everyone’s mind. Why are the wood golems now suddenly attacking when for centuries they have never once been a threat? Is there someone hiding a secret inside the walls of Tenebrae Manor and if so are they willing to risk the lives of everyone just to keep this secret?
When I picked up this book to start reading I expected somewhat of a scary story line, especially after looking at the cover art. However, what I discovered was an intriguing and original tale that shows all of the darkest creatures in a brand new light. The residents of Tenebrae Manor each possess their own unique attributes that contribute to the eternal life they share together. It was wonderful to read a book that brings normally dark characters such as demons and vampires into a most relatable family setting, where they have some disagreements, but also see and love each other as a family. I was hanging on the edge of every page when all of sudden their home was under attack and each member had to work together to save it. The willingness of each of these characters to put their friends' welfare in front of their own made for a wonderful story.
Quill says: What an amazing and original story of friendship and family with a group of unforgettable characters.
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