Authorpreneur in Pajamas: Building Your Author's Platform Without Leaving Your Home
By: Geraldine Solon
Publisher: CreateSpace
Publication Date: March 2014
ISBN: 978-1495201677
Reviewed by: Diane Lunsford
Review Date: April 23, 2014
Publisher: CreateSpace
Publication Date: March 2014
ISBN: 978-1495201677
Reviewed by: Diane Lunsford
Review Date: April 23, 2014
This book is tailor made for aspiring authors! The sheer notion (and joy) of marketing one’s labor of love that he or she has written and doing so in the comfort of ‘jammies,’ in my opinion, is a winner! Suffice it to say, while it is motivating to put my ‘big girl’ shoes on and a pulled together look, if I have blissful hours preparing myself for the ultimate face-to-face pitch in my jammies, sign me up! Before settling into the meat of Authorpreneur, the cover had me salivating with bestselling author Marsha Collier’s endorsement: "Authorpreneur in Pajamas is an inspirational guide for aspiring authors. It provides the beginning fiction writer with ideas to take their first steps to publishing their work."
With three solid novels in her own cache, Ms. Solon, has done what true writers are committed to doing: she has paid forward the insurmountable nuggets she has gleaned along her own writing journey and shared them with the up and coming ‘Authorpreneurs.’ The book is less than 80 pages in length and, in my opinion, packs more valuable insights, knowledge and information than some other works that have been lauded as the ‘must have guide if you ever expect to succeed...’ The chapter headers alone pique the reader/aspiring author’s interest; such as: ‘Identify Who Your Readers Are,’ ‘Research is a Must,’ ‘Why Advertising Matters,’ to name a few. As the reader delves further into each (succinct) chapter, Ms. Solon adeptly paints obvious logic with her word placement. She breaks down the concept and insists on the vital importance of engagement coupled with total commitment the writer must have if he or she covets being recognized by an audience of being just that.
Every chapter in this book has something valuable to offer and what consistently grabbed my attention was the ongoing message (and suggestion) of focus, focus, focus. Writing truly is a lonely craft at times, yet we do it (and willingly) to reap the rewards of tapping into the real emotions of our audience. Ms. Solon encourages the ‘Authorpreneur’ not only with words of wisdom from her own experiences, but a sublime message throughout of staying the course. Solon has packed a multitude of resources in this skinny, little book of anthology merit (websites, blogs, writing communities and forums, etc.) and backs the information up with a word of caution to start slow and steady with one or two options and build upon them once the writer has confidence that his or her initial choices have been put to the test (and are working).
I applaud Ms. Solon and genuinely thank her for her generosity in sharing the abundance of useful and helpful information she has penned in ‘Authorpreneur.’ She exudes confidence through her written word and without question, has provided a tremendous gift to many aspiring fiction writers (present company included). I plan to pay this information forward to many of my writing pals and am honored to do so. There is no self-puffery or overly braggadocios pontification in any of her delivery. Rather, there is solid and genuine care and concern to share what she has learned with a message that resonates her hope that she has helped that next up and comer to the next level in his or her writing career. Heartfelt thanks to you Ms. Solon. This is a terrific body of work!
Quill says: Authorpreneur in Pajamas is the penultimate guide for any aspiring author who is ready to begin the marketing and advertising journey of publication for a body of work just waiting to be recognized!
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