The Legend of the Jersey Devil
By: Trinka Hakes Noble
Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press
Publication Date: July 2013
ISBN: 978-1585368372
Reviewed by: Deb Fowler
Review Date: September 24, 2013
Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press
Publication Date: July 2013
ISBN: 978-1585368372
Reviewed by: Deb Fowler
Review Date: September 24, 2013
Mother Leeds began to howl, “Oh, let it be a devil!” The skies lit up with lighting once again and with “a clap of thunder, Mother Leeds’s thirteenth child was born ... but it was no ordinary child!” A hideous critter circled the room and escaped up the chimney. The prophecy had come true and a devil was among the people. The Jersey Devil sat in a tree overlooking the village as he “surveyed his new lair with its black swamps, dark woods, and murky bogs.” Ah, what kind of mischief lay in store for the villagers when the Jersey Devil would make himself known?
This is an amazingly fun and spooky folklore tale of the infamous Jersey Devil that youngsters will love. This tale has just the right amount of spookiness to it without being scary. The stunning artwork carries with it a touch of humor with the caricatures of the Jersey Devil and those villagers he wants to scare. This folktale is of Native American origin and Trinka Hakes Noble gives it a nice breath of fresh air that young people will enjoy. If you need a new, fascinating folktale for your shelves just in time for Halloween, this is a good one.
Quill says: This is a perfect tale to add to the folklore section in your library or classroom shelves!
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