Timeless Desire is on Sale Now!

Praise for Gwyn Cready:
"Cready's writing is romantic and wickedly witty."--
NY Times bestselling author Rachel Gibson
"Gwyn Cready is the master of time travel romance."--Royal Reviews
Enter to Win a Pair of Sexy, Sky-high Snake Skin Print Kelsi Dagger Pumps (or a Zappos gift card)! $125 Value!

Five easy ways to enter:
1. Forward this email or URL to five friends, copying
gwyn@cready.com by September 14, 2012 at midnight EST.
2. Send a picture of you holding
Timeless Desire to
gwyn@cready.com by September 14, 2012 at midnight EST.
3. Send a copy of a purchase receipt for
Timeless Desire to
gwyn@cready.com by September 14, 2012 at midnight EST
4. Tweet about
Timeless Desire and mention @GwynCready in your tweet by Septemnber 14, 2012 at midnight EST.
5. Click
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any post on the page with your friends by clicking the "Share" button
(not the "Like" button) under the post by September 14, 2012 at midnight
You can enter each way, for up to five entries.
rules: Open only to residents of U.S. and Canada. Void where
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Cready mailing list. Friends to whom you forward this email will not be
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contest. Limit of one entry per type per person. No personal information
or email addresses will be sold or shared. Entries must be received by
midnight EST on September 14, 2012. Winner will be posted at cready.com
on September 15, 2012.
Message from Author Gwyn Cready:
Librarians are about the most kick-ass people on earth, and I've had
some pretty wonderful librarians in my life, from my cousin Donna who
keeps the library in South Park, Pennsylvania, humming, to my friend
Manuel, a music librarian at UC Berkeley who has saved my sorry writer's
butt many times with some handy bit of research, to Mrs. White, my
first grade librarian, who read books aloud as if it was the most
joy-filled thing on earth and to whom I owe a debt of gratitude for
helping me discover the magic of a great story.
My librarian heroine in Timeless Desire, Panna Kennedy, is no exception. Battling
budget cuts to distract herself from the grief of losing her husband,
Panna discovers a mysterious opening under her library's careworn stairs
and finds herself transported to the magnificent, book-filled quarters
of the handsome eighteenth century English war hero whose
larger-than-life statue looms over her desk. However, Captain
Bridgewater is not as she imagined. Under house arrest as a traitor to
England, the dashing Bridgewater warms to his beautiful and unexpected
visitor despite his belief she's a spy. Bridgewater pulls Panna into his
escape, and they share soul-baring secrets as well as a heart-racing
kiss. But when he gives her a message that must be delivered to his
secret allies and she is swept into the shocking intrigue that takes
them from Hadrian's Wall to the forbidding borderland castle of
Bridgewater's maternal grandfather, Panna must decide whether her
loyalties lay with the memory of her dead husband or with the man whose
life and reputation may depend on her.
Timeless Desire is my personal shout-out to all the
wonderful librarians who've helped me over the years and to everyone
out there who does the thing they're afraid to do. Enjoy!
©Garen DiBartolomeo
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