The Author's Inn is a website dedicated to showcasing any and all writers of serious novels, poetry and articles and giving them the introduction to the reading public they deserve at a very affordable, one-time, life-time cost and to giving readers access to those writers and their works.
For that one-time, life-time price, an author gets a page for their personal picture and bio and their book cover and synopsis. Multiple books are more than welcome. They are also listed in the indices of authors, books and genres, and their book cover is displayed in The Gallery of Books 24/7/365. Any time anyone clicks into the Gallery, the author’s book covers are on display.
The sole purpose of The Author’s Inn is to give authors the exposure they deserve for their works at a price they can afford. And, as you know, exposure is the name of the game in the book publishing and marketing business.
There are also pages for News From Our Authors, a Blog (Wanna Talk? Blog) where we can all express our ideas about writing and the industry, plus many pages of information on the subject of writing how-tos, how to market our books and so on.
Feel free to jump over to The Author’s Inn (, look at the content and the exposure the authors are getting, then sign up for your own page and tell a friend.